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Same customer appears in 2 places on a report grouped by customer.

edited February 2002 in General


  • edited February 2002
    Save your RB 5 installation exe, and upgrade to RB 6.03 to see if it fixes
    the problem. Contact info@digital-metaphors.com with your full registration
    information to receive the download link and password.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited February 2002
    Hi Jim:

    I miss led you. I am using RB 6.03 for Delphi 5.

  • edited February 2002
    I don't see any patches which apply to this in 6.03. We haven't had any
    problems like this. Can you send us an example which reproduces this
    behavior to support@digital-metaphors.com In reproducing this, I would lean
    towards trying to get some KeepTogether action happening on the last
    breaking page.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited February 2002
    I have sent you a zip file.


  • edited February 2002

  • edited February 2002
    Hi Bruce:

    Yes I did rule it out, to the best of my ability.

    If I use Access or Excel to sort and group the dbf file, it works correctly.

    I see no corrupt data.

  • edited February 2002

  • edited February 2002
    Hi Bruce:

    I hadn't thought of corrupted indexes.

    I went in and deleted all indexes and packed the file. Then I added back all
    the indexes.

    I got the same results - 3 customers re-appear at the end of the report
    showing a couple of items which are not included in their first appearance.

    I am not using a query, I am using a wwTable component.

    Thanks for your time,

  • edited February 2002
    Hi Jim:

    Did you receive my files?

  • edited February 2002
    I received the demo. The dataset is coming from a table component. In the
    data that is coming from this table, there are 3 records (the two repeated
    customers) at the end of the dataset. You should use a query, instead of a
    table component. The report grouping doesn't reorder the data. Hook a dbGrid
    up to the datasource, and connect the table at design time. By using a
    query, you can order the records such that all of the customers will appear
    in the dataset in the proper groupings. If the data is properly ordered,
    the report can create groups around them. The report will create a group
    whenever the group break value changes. It doesn't look for records that
    match this group and print them. So, if the data is out of order you'll get
    the behavior that you are seeing in your report. Sorry, for my delay, I was
    out of town last week and and now I am trying to catch up on research
    issues. Thankyou, for your patience.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors Corp

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