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Setting Zoom Percentage in Standard preview

edited February 2002 in General
Is there a way to preset the zoom percentage and/or the window size for the
standard preview window of RB Standard?

Thank you and have a nice day ...


  • edited February 2002
    Hi David

    see thread 'Tech Tip: Controlling the Built-in Previewer' in
    tech-tips.Format And Devices.

    Tech Tip: Controlling the Built-in Previewer

    You can control the built-in preview form via the
    Report.OnPreviewFormCreate event.

    For example the following code sets the Print Preview form to
    maximized and sets the Viewer ZoomSetting to 100%:

    procedure TForm1.ppReport1PreviewFormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    ppReport1.PreviewForm.WindowState := wsMaximized;
    TppViewer(ppReport1.PreviewForm.Viewer).ZoomSetting := zs100Percent;


    Note: You will need to add ppViewr to the uses clause of your unit,
    so that the ZoomSetting enumerated type is recognized by the
    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com

    Chris Ueberall;

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