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Problems with JIT Report with no data

edited March 2002 in General
Hi All,

I have a TObjectList that I am using to generate a report from. When the
list is empty I would still like to print the report, just not to have any
data printed in the detail band. I have just upgraded to RB 6.X and I have
D5 with SP1.


- KenA


  • edited March 2002
    Set Report.NoDataBehaviors property to ndBlankReport.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2002
    Hi Jim,

    I tried that but I get a "List index out of bounds (0)" exception. It seems
    as if RB is still trying to fetch the first record. Perhaps I am not
    telling RB the number of records in the TObjectList at the right time. My
    code for doing that is shown below. I make a new pipeline from JITPipeline
    and I override the OpenDataSet event. It is here that I set the JITPipeline
    property RecordCount. I have followed this paradigm for a number of JIT
    reports and never had a problem until I came across this report that may
    have zero records.

    Thanks for your comments

    - KenA

    ///////////////// class defination
    TOasListPipeline = class(TppJITPipeline)
    FObjectList: TObjectList;
    procedure OpenDataSet; override;
    constructor Create(Owner: TComponent; ObjectList: TObjectList);
    reintroduce; virtual;

    property List: TObjectList read FObjectList;

    ////////////// class implementation. user must supply an object list
    constructor TOasListPipeline.Create(Owner: TComponent; ObjectList:
    begin //
    inherited Create(Owner);

    FObjectList := ObjectList;

    if FObjectList = nil then
    raise Exception.Create('TOasListPipeline.Create: List is nil');
    end; // TOasListPipeline.Create

    procedure TOasListPipeline.OpenDataSet;
    begin //
    if FObjectList = nil then
    raise Exception.Create('TOasListPipeline.Create: List is nil');


    InitialIndex := 0;
    RecordCount := FObjectList.Count;
    end; // TOasListPipeline.OpenDataSet

  • edited March 2002
    Can you change your library path to point to \RBuilder\Source and see when
    it tries to retrieve the first record? My test report seems to work for a
    JIT with no data. Perhaps, send us a simple example to
    support@digital-metaphors.com and we'll check it out.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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