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I?m looking at RB(prof version) as a report tool for my apps and I like what I see

edited March 2002 in General
Hi Digital Metaphors and RB users.

I?m looking at RB(prof version) as a report tool for my apps and I like what
I see.

But I do have some question that i?m hope you will answer.

I want a tool where my endusers can design there own reports and also where
I can create report. I do not want to design reports in delphi like most of
the demos are created.

I want to be able to design the report without using delphi, save the report
layout and the "data layout (SQL)" into a single file so I could send it to
my customer and then the could load it and watch/run it.

But I can only see that I can save the report layout and data in 2 files...

For now I have created my own sql designer and I stream the sql and report
layout into a single file. This works OK but it is a problem when I need
more than one pipeline/dataset. eg when I need to design a master/detail

So now i?m thinking it would be much easier to use the build in data
designer and then first stream the data and then the report layout into a
single file. Then I could ship my own query designer.


1. How do I enabled the data tab in the end user designer.

2. How do I create a master/detail report only by using the data designer..
The demoes are using master/details dataset in delphi. But I do not waht
to use delphi. Also my users can not access delphi when then are

3. Let say that I have a report where I need a paramter. How do I design
this in the data designer and How do I call it in delphi... something
like this

I have create a sql (select * from contact where id=:id). And I know that
this report require a paramter id to run. So I would like to say


I?m using asta and have downloaded the dade plugin for asta. Using Interbase
and MS SQl Server but asta handles this..

Hope you understand



  • edited March 2002
    The Professional version lets you save both the data access definition as
    well as the report layout in the rtm (report template). If you have RB
    Enterprise, then RAP event handlers are stored inside of the report
    template. This gives you the ability to redistribute the report template,
    without having to recompile your exe and distribute that. All you'd need to
    do is update the customer's template and they can load it and run it using
    your app's exe which they already have. You can also store the datamodule
    (dtm) the data access definition that is created in the data workspace of
    RB. These can be imported by the end user to use a new SQL that you've
    created for them. You can alos use the report explorer component to manage
    rtm and dtm files on the database.

    1. Add daIDE to the uses clause. Add the necessary DADE plugin unit to you
    uses clause for the database that you are using.

    2. Create two dataviews in DADE. Drag from the detail dataview, the key
    linking field to the master dataview on the field that you want to link.

    3. There is an autosearch feature of RB. There are some examples in your
    installed RBuilder\Demos\Autosearch on updating the query/filter for the
    autosearch criteria that is entered. In DADE, you can create search
    criteria and select the Autosearch checkbox to have it all done for you
    automatically, based on what the end user enters in the auotsearch dialog.
    See the help topic on using Autosearch in our help. It will better explain
    how to use autosearch 'beneath the covers.'


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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