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Delphi Update 6.02 and Null Variant Convert Error

edited March 2002 in General

After installed path to RBuilder 6.03 I still get several Null variant
convert errors that was driving me crazy.

I could correct all of them just commenting the following (commented)
line in ppDBPipe (my line 798):

function TppDBPipeline.GetFieldValue(aFieldName: string): Variant;

Result := Null;

if not SetCurrentField(aFieldName) or (ppdaNoRecords in State) then Exit;

// if (FFieldDataLink.Field.IsNull) then Exit;

case GetFieldDataType(aFieldName) of
dtString, dtChar, dtMemo:

Could someone tell me about the side effects of this ?
All appears to be fine now...

Thank you for this great software.

Marcos Paulo


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