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Saving tgemplates to a database file

edited March 2005 in Server
I have been away from the project for some time but a customer asked me to
modify a report that we is accessed via the thin client and web. I had to
add time filters.

I remember a year ago it was necessary for me to open the rtm in the report
designer and make the change (added 2 parameters) and then save it to a
database file (PDox). I am not sure why this is required. Of course, I am
able to edit the RTM and then remove the repot designer component from the
form but I am not able to update the database files. My thin client access
works properly but my web access does not. Please advise.


  • edited March 2005

    Are you using .rtm files or reports stored in a database? In any case, you
    need to use RB Enterprise to load/edit/save the report definitions.

    The ReportVolumes used by the server can use either .rtm files or reports
    stored in a database.

    The thin client and WebTier both access reports that are generated by the
    server. There should not be a difference.

    Perhaps try shutting the server and webtier apps down and then restarting
    them. The server, client, and webtier all use caching to optimize

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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