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DbChart in a ISAPI DLL

edited March 2002 in General
I'm using ReportBuilder Reports with TXtraDevices in a ISAPI DLL.
This gives me great web Reports.
Now i would like to include a DbChart
But while compiling i'm missing the ieditcha.dcu file
Any suggestions ?


  • edited March 2002
    Hi Harry,

    I don't know if the following helps, it's from the tech-tips section ...

    Tech Tip: Resolving Compile Error w\TeeChart

    When using TeeChart and ReportBuilder in Delphi you will encounter this
    error message upon compiling.

    In order to get around it you can:

    1. Build your project with packages.

    2. Purchase TeeChart Pro from www.teemach.com

    The TeeChart author did not include all of the units to TeeChart in the
    free version included with Delphi. (TeeMach the authors of TeeChart do
    not receive any money from Borland for the inclusion of TeeChart with

    Chris Ueberall;

  • edited March 2002
    I've purchased these components.
    Version Pro 5.0
    I couldn't install it as long as I had the TeeCharT Support for
    ReportBuilder installed (dclRBC66.bpl), i took this one out, then i could
    install the TeeChart Pro.

    But the same message comes up when reinstalling the RB package, a TeeAbout
    Components already exists.

    I Supose I can solve this easily (I Hope), any suggestions ???

  • edited March 2002
    You need the exact Teechart version 5.02a in order to have it work correctly
    with RB 6.03.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2002
    I'm having the TeeChart Pro v5.02, D6
    I hope the Pro hasn't anythinh to do with it.

  • edited March 2002

    First I deinstalled RB en TCPro, then install TCPro, then RB, working fine.
    (Found this help on the TeeChart Newsgroups)

    When having questions on a report that implements a TeeChart, where do i
    have to post my questions ?
    Will you support some help (ex on datasources) or do I have to go to the
    TeeChart Newsgroups ?


  • edited March 2002
    RB has two components which wrap around a Teechart component (TppTeeChart
    and TppDPTeeChart). The visual editor and chart component are the same as
    if you set them in code for a Teechart control on a form.

    If you have a question on creating a chart in code, then you should probably
    get a better repsonse from the Teechart authors. If you have a question on
    how to change which page the chart should print on, then ask us.

    See Ed Dressel's (Team DM) response on a Teechart thread in this newsgroup
    on March 15, 2002. He offers to show some code snippets if you request
    them, and he has very interesting approach to his charts in reports:)

    To set the datasource of a chart, you'll need to set the datasource property
    on the Series (see below). You'll have to edit the other properties of the
    Series objects, as you normally would for a Teechart created for a TForm, in
    code. Sorry, we don't have any examples of creating a charting report
    entirely in code.


    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    lDataPipeline: TppDataPipeline;
    lDataPipeline := ppReport1.DataPipeline;

    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[0].DataSource := lDataPipeline;


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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