I use a loop to print a same report for many times and just create
autosearchfield in runtime. But my customer would like to print them into a
single file (such as word, pdf, txt format) and then print them at once
later. How can I do this using RB6.03?
the screen. Place them all in an empty directory. This will give you a
bunch of archive files. The archive files have the page objects containing
the draw commands. You will have to track the different autosearch values
that have been entered, so that you won't create an archive on the same
report based on the same autosearch parameters. Whenthe user selects to
print them all as a batch, then you can open up all the archives in this
directory. As each one is opened you can generate the pages to a cache.
Then take the cahce of the currently loaded arhcive file, and add the pages
to a TList of page objects. Once all of the pages have been created from
the archives and added to a single list, send these pages to the output
device. You can send pages to the device by calling
Publisher.ReceivePage(aPage:TppPage). Here are a few demos of manipulating
the pages in a simliar fashion:
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors