To start the report with a page number different than one, you can use a TppVariable and code its OnCalc event to perform the page counting above a initial starting value.
Are you printing section style subreports together in one report? You should be able to set ResetPageNo to false on the subreport component. You can print multiple reports as one, by using section style subreports in an empty (except for the subreports in the detail band), one detail band main report.
TppVariable and code its OnCalc event to perform the page counting above a
initial starting value.
Are you printing section style subreports together in one report? You
should be able to set ResetPageNo to false on the subreport component. You
can print multiple reports as one, by using section style subreports in an
empty (except for the subreports in the detail band), one detail band main
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors