If you are loading templates, then this event handler may get lost. There is a tech tip newsgroup article in the tempaltes thread, which describes how this can happen. It also shows how to reattach the event handler after the template is loaded.
If the event handler isn't lost, then the reason that this event handler may not fire is if there are no text controls selected to be saved to be saved to the text file. There is a File | Print To File Setup... dialog in which you need to choose the text controls which should print in the file. You can also set the text component's Save property to true.
is a tech tip newsgroup article in the tempaltes thread, which describes how
this can happen. It also shows how to reattach the event handler after the
template is loaded.
If the event handler isn't lost, then the reason that this event handler may
not fire is if there are no text controls selected to be saved to be saved
to the text file. There is a File | Print To File Setup... dialog in which
you need to choose the text controls which should print in the file. You
can also set the text component's Save property to true.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors