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No Data Label...

edited May 2002 in General
Hi all...

I have a small problem and would know if there is a way to solve it:

I have some reports which hide certain records, as I can't use a query all
the time to get what I want. This all works fine, except that the "No
Records" label is not shown on those reports most of the time, because the
query actually produces records, they are just not shown.

I found 50% of the solution already, as I create an invisible Variable lable
at run-time to determine how many records where printed during the first
pass. The problem I have now is, that I want to trigger my "No Data"
function to display the label on the empty page, but it seems, that I can't
do anything on the page after it was printed.

How can I place this label after the report is finished printing on screen?

Thanks in advance, Marco...
Enterprise Compliance Management
Visit our Website: http://www.qumas.com


  • edited May 2002
    You can add a TppDrawtext draw command to the page in the Report.OnEndPage
    event. For an example of addign a draw command to a page see this example:



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited May 2002
    Hi Jim...

    Thanks for the reply, but unfortunatly it doesn't work. Here's my code:

    procedure TFReportViewer.OnEndPage(Sender: TObject);
    lDrawText: TppDrawText;
    a,b : Boolean;
    if VisibleDetailCount = 0 then begin
    lDrawText := TppDrawText.Create(nil);
    lDrawText.Page := Report.Engine.Page;
    ReportNoData(Self, nil, a, lDrawText, b);

    procedure TFReportViewer.ReportNoData(Sender, aDialog: TObject;
    var aShowDialog: Boolean; aDrawCommand: TObject;
    var aAddDrawCommand: Boolean);
    var lDrawText : TppDrawText;
    lDrawText := TppDrawText(aDrawCommand);
    with lDrawText do begin
    TextAlignment := taCentered;
    Font.Style := [fsBold, fsUnderline, fsItalic];
    Font.Color := clBlue;
    Font.Size := 14;
    Text := 'There are no records matching your search criteria...';
    Left := 0;
    Width := Report.PrinterSetup.PageDef.mmPrintableWidth;

    The code gets executed, but it never prints on screen. Any ideas?

    TIA, Marco...
    Enterprise Compliance Management
    Visit our Website: http://www.qumas.com

  • edited May 2002
    This works in the Report.OnEndPage event:

    procedure TForm1.ppReport1EndPage(Sender: TObject);
    lDrawText: TppDrawText;

    lDrawText := TppDrawText.Create(Self);
    lDrawText.Page := ppReport1.Engine.Page;
    lDrawText.Text := 'No Data';
    lDrawText.Top := ppReport1.PrinterSetup.PageDef.mmPrintableHeight div 2;
    lDrawText.Left := ppReport1.PrinterSetup.PageDef.mmPrintableWidth div 2;
    lDrawText.Height := 12700;
    lDrawText.Width := 25400;
    lDrawText.Font.Color := clBlack;
    lDrawText.Font.Size := 12;
    lDrawText.Font.Name := 'Arial';



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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