Can I re-surface this wizard to an end-user on an existing report? in other words, they want to change a report to use a different Avery template? If so, please can you tell me how?
You can manually launch the label wizard (TppLabelTemplateWizard). Please see the TppDesignerWindow.NewReportFromWiz method in the ppDsgner unit for details on how to create, set up, and launch the wizard.
Thanks, I already looked at that. The problem is I don't want a NEWreportFromWiz, I want to CHANGEreportWithAveryDialog!! Any chance of a code snippet example of resurfacing the avery template dialog and using its results?
You can create a descendant of the LabelWizard and register it as a new wizard (see the registration calls at the bottom of the ppLabWiz unit). You can then override the execute method to take a current report and modify it rather than generating a new report. You can use one of the wizards events, OnCreateReport for example, to integrate the state of the current report since the Report property of TppCustomWizard is read only. -- Cheers,
Take a look at the properties of a report and determine which settings you want/need the user to change. The first thing though that you will need to do is create a label template and load this template with default settings. Once the report is loaded you can change the report settings to whatever you want. For examples, the margins can be set via 4 edit fields; the column start positions can be set via 1, 2, or 3 edit fields depending upon the type of label and the results saved into the ColumnPositions property.
see the TppDesignerWindow.NewReportFromWiz method in the ppDsgner unit for
details on how to create, set up, and launch the wizard.
Alexander Kramnik
Digital Metaphors
NEWreportFromWiz, I want to CHANGEreportWithAveryDialog!! Any chance of a
code snippet example of resurfacing the avery template dialog and using its
Jonathan Hyams
"Alexander Kramnik (Digital Metaphors)" wrote
wizard (see the registration calls at the bottom of the ppLabWiz unit). You
can then override the execute method to take a current report and modify it
rather than generating a new report. You can use one of the wizards events,
OnCreateReport for example, to integrate the state of the current report
since the Report property of TppCustomWizard is read only.
Alexander Kramnik
Digital Metaphors
want/need the user to change. The first thing though that you will need to
do is create a label template and load this template with default settings.
Once the report is loaded you can change the report settings to whatever you
want. For examples, the margins can be set via 4 edit fields; the column
start positions can be set via 1, 2, or 3 edit fields depending upon the
type of label and the results saved into the ColumnPositions property.
Jeff Kreider