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Problems creating Master/Detail (newbie)

edited June 2002 in General
Hi, I'm a newbie on RB. (5.55 Std, demo edition) Still have a few days left
to decide if I will ever feel comfortable with ReportBuilder.

Trying to understand the basic concepts of RB, beginning to get a grasp on
the pipelines...but master/detail I can't get to work:
- The report is based on one master dataset (I've decided to use JIT
pipelies because of few "standard" fields, seems easier & more flexible),
linked to a few others in 1-1 and a few in 1-many.
- The report will have a few sections where there is 0 or more detail items
(the section should ideally disappear when empty)
- Total report size will be some 3 pages per record.

Now, my questions on structuring:
- Are 'Groups' meant for grouping the "traditional way" - creating "breaks"
in the iteration of a flat dataset ?
- Are there ways of creating a Master/Detail report other than using a
subreport ?
- In what way does the JIT Pipeline control the Master/Detail relationship ?
Is ist simply so that whenever a subreport with a "detals-linked" pipeline
is encountered, the transversion is fired ?
- What may be the reason why a SubReport won't print when debugger shows
that all record field values are retrieved and the correct number of record
values are transversed (the SubReport is simply not printed at all) ?

Some questions on the designer:
- Is there a simple way to work with report elements, e.g. when moving
controls from one subreport to another ? What one needs is a way to prevent
the elements from being pasted at the same "Top" - this may be practically
- How do you move the rest of a report say 1 inch down when you insert a few
new elements ?
- How do you put a group somewhere other than spanning the whole page ?
- Sometimes I get the whole designer freezing, ISTM that it happens when the
report.DataPipeline is set.
and there is a subreport (both with JIT pipelines). Why ?

A few comments:
- Documentation on the things being "different" in ReportBuilder is not too
- A repeating frustration is the meaning of '0' - values: "When '0' is set,
it simply means '0' ?" No hidden 0=All or 0=NoLimit or whatever ?

Thank you very much in advance !

Bj?rge S?ther

Bj?rge S?ther


  • edited June 2002
    > - Are 'Groups' meant for grouping the "traditional way" - creating

    Yes, however the data must already be sorted on the value(s) the report is
    being grouped on before coming into the report. The report engine itself
    will not sort the data to accomodate grouping.

    You can render a master detail report using groups. The query however must
    be a single dataset, a join on the appropriate tables and the data must be
    sorted on the master link record. For actual linked datasets, however, the
    subreport is the best approach.


    When a subreport linked to a detail pipeline is encountered a traversal of
    the detail pipeline is fired. The records which are traversed within the
    pipeline are determined by the value of the link field of the current master


    Most likely the detail pipeline isn't assigned to the subreport. To assign a
    pipeline to the subreport select the subreport component in the designer and
    select the appropriate pipeline from the dropdown list on the designer


    The elements are copied so as to preserve all their property settings which
    includes their Top and Left meaning that they will always paster in the same


    You can draw a bounding box around to select all the elements and drag them
    all to a new position.

    In the group dialog (Report->Groups) uncheck the Start New Page checkbox.
    This will allow multiple groups to print on the same page rather then
    beginning a new page.


    While this is not a known issue there may be time when the application is
    trying to open/access the dataset which may cause a momentary pause.


    Different from what?


    Can you please be more specific regarding what you are referring to?

    You're welcome.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2002
    "Alexander Kramnik (Digital Metaphors)" skrev i
  • edited June 2002
    Please go through the tutorial found in the RB Developers Guide located in
    the RBuilder\Developer's Guide directory. This should put you on the right
    track to understanding the concepts of RB and make the learning process much
    less frustrating. Also, why are you using JIT pipelines? Where are you
    retrieving your data from? If you must use JITs please check out demos 137
    and 139 found in the main reports demos in the RBuilder\Demos\Reports
    directory for examples of using JIT to get data in a report as well as using
    JIT in a master detail relationship.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2002
    "Alexander Kramnik (Digital Metaphors)" skrev i
  • edited June 2002
    There is a reason that the Sender parameter was not included in those
    events. The JIT pipeline is meant to be used to link one data set to one
    report and so knowing the Sender should not be necessary. Multiple reports
    shouldn't be using the same JIT to retrieve data.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2002
    Hi Alexander,

    the caller of an event is always unknown - until it is passed as parameter.
    A (component) developer should never assume that he knows who called the
    event (rule #1).

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited June 2002
    "Alexander Kramnik (Digital Metaphors)" skrev i
This discussion has been closed.