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a report doubling up

edited June 2002 in General
I have a report (rb pro 6.03) that sometimes repeats itself. It has a
Headerband, a Detail band, and a Footer band. The Detail band has a
number of Regions in it (and most of them have an OnPrint event to
suppress printing if there is no data). The last Region does not have
an OnPrint event so it always prints.

What happens sometimes is that the report gets to the last Region,
prints it, and then starts all over with the first Region again,
repeating the entire detail band.

Anyone with any ideas?




  • edited June 2002
    Is there a particular reason that I am not getting any replies to my
    original message? Is the answer so obvious that I am being labeled an
    idiot? This is a real problem that I am experiencing and I would really
    appreciate anyone who can suggest how I can resolve it.

    As further information, this error occurs whether I have the pass count
    set to 1 or 2.


  • edited June 2002
    Though this probably won't solve the problem I would recomment moving the
    logic which suppresses certain regions to the Header's BeforePrint event.
    Does this happen on individual detail bands or for every record in the
    report? Do the regions have ReprintOnOverFlow set? First make sure that the
    BandsPerRecord property of the detail band is set to 1. Can you please
    provide the code which you have in the OnPrint event and the layout.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2002
    Interesting suggestion, but you are right, it did not work.

    This report is for one record only. There is one main table, and several other
    tables linked through a mastersource. All sub tables are one-to-one, except
    for one (Costs) which is one-to-many. In the Detai.ls band, the first region's
    printing is not suppressed, then there are about 17 regions that print only if
    the contents are not null, then the final region (Costs) which is not

    ReprintOnOverflow is false on all regions. Bands per record = 1;

    Here is the code that is now in the header.BeforePrint:

    procedure TDataModule2.ppHeaderBand3BeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
    if (DataModule2.Status['abanyr'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['abancom'] = null) then
    AbandonRegion.Visible := false
    AbandonRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['DHDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['DDDateCom'] = null) then
    DHAbandonRegion.Visible := false
    DHAbandonRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['CCDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['CCDateCom'] = null) then
    CutCapRegion.Visible := false
    CutCapRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['FacRemDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['FacRemCm'] = null) then
    FacRemRegion.Visible := false
    FacRemRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['ReconDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['ReconCom'] = null) then
    ReconRegion.Visible := false
    ReconRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['PRADate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['PRACom'] = null) then
    PreRecRegion.Visible := false
    PreRecRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['IRDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['IREDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['IRCom'] = null) then
    InitialRegion.Visible := false
    InitialRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['DecDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['DecCom'] = null) then
    DeconRegion.Visible := false
    DeconRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['AmmenDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['AmmendCom'] = null) then
    AmmendRegion.Visible := false
    AmmendRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['SeedDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['SeedCom'] = null) then
    SeedingRegion.Visible := false
    SeedingRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['SprayDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['SprayCom'] = null) then
    SprayingRegion.Visible := false
    SprayingRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['FertDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['FertCom'] = null) then
    FertilizingRegion.Visible := false
    FertilizingRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['MDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['MCom'] = null) then
    MonitoringRegion.Visible := false
    MonitoringRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['IADate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['IACom'] = null) then
    IARegion.Visible := false
    IARegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['AppSubDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['AppSubCom'] = null) then
    AppSubRegion.Visible := false
    AppSubRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['Inquery'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['InqueryC'] = null) then
    InquiryRegion.Visible := false
    InquiryRegion.Visible := true;

    if (DataModule2.Status['RCDAte'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['ExprcDate'] = null) and
    (DataModule2.Status['RCCom'] = null) then
    RecCertRegion.Visible := false
    RecCertRegion.Visible := true;


    Here is the layout: (is there a better way to have attached these?)

    object rbINDV2: TppReport
    AutoStop = False
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    PassSetting = psTwoPass
    PrinterSetup.BinName = 'Tray 2 (Cassette)'
    PrinterSetup.DocumentName = 'Report20'
    PrinterSetup.PaperName = 'Legal (8.5" x 14")'
    PrinterSetup.PrinterName = 'Default'
    PrinterSetup.mmMarginBottom = 6350
    PrinterSetup.mmMarginLeft = 6350
    PrinterSetup.mmMarginRight = 6350
    PrinterSetup.mmMarginTop = 6350
    PrinterSetup.mmPaperHeight = 355601
    PrinterSetup.mmPaperWidth = 215900
    PrinterSetup.PaperSize = 5
    DeviceType = 'Screen'
    OnPreviewFormCreate = rbINDV2PreviewFormCreate
    Left = 385
    Top = 480
    Version = '6.03'
    mmColumnWidth = 0
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    object ppHeaderBand3: TppHeaderBand
    BeforePrint = ppHeaderBand3BeforePrint
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmHeight = 23019
    mmPrintPosition = 0
    object ppLabel146: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label146'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 12
    Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic]
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 4763
    mmLeft = 58208
    mmTop = 0
    mmWidth = 86784
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText95: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText95'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'CLNAME'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 12
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 5080
    mmLeft = 92298
    mmTop = 5556
    mmWidth = 18076
    BandType = 0
    object ppSystemVariable4: TppSystemVariable
    UserName = 'SystemVariable4'
    DisplayFormat = 'mmmm d, yyyy'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 10
    Font.Style = []
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 4233
    mmLeft = 4233
    mmTop = 3440
    mmWidth = 31485
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel147: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label147'
    Caption = 'File:'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 4233
    mmTop = 14552
    mmWidth = 5821
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText96: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText96'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'CLFILE'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 10583
    mmTop = 14552
    mmWidth = 8890
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel149: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label149'
    Caption = 'District:'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 59267
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 11642
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText97: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText301'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'District'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 72761
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 16214
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel150: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label301'
    Caption = 'Legal:'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 115888
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 8996
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText98: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText98'
    DataField = 'LSD'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 126736
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 6350
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText99: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText99'
    DataField = 'Sec'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 133615
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 4233
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText100: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText601'
    DataField = 'TWP'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 138377
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 4233
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText101: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText101'
    DataField = 'RGE'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 143140
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 3969
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText102: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText102'
    DataField = 'Mer'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 147638
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 3440
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel151: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label151'
    Caption = 'AFE:'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 177271
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 6350
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText103: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText103'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'AfeNo'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 185473
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 10922
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel148: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label148'
    Caption = '-'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 10
    Font.Style = []
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 132821
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 1058
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel152: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label152'
    Caption = '-'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 10
    Font.Style = []
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 137584
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 1058
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel153: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label153'
    Caption = '-'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 10
    Font.Style = []
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 142346
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 1058
    BandType = 0
    object ppLabel154: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label154'
    Caption = '-'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 10
    Font.Style = []
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 146844
    mmTop = 14817
    mmWidth = 1058
    BandType = 0
    object ppDBText104: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText104'
    DataField = 'FILENO'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taCentered
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3969
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    BandType = 0
    object ppLine4: TppLine
    UserName = 'Line4'
    Pen.Width = 2
    ParentWidth = True
    Weight = 1.5
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    mmWidth = 203200
    BandType = 0
    object ppDetailBand23: TppDetailBand
    PrintHeight = phDynamic
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmHeight = 319088
    mmPrintPosition = 0
    DataPipeline = plQueryCosts
    object CostRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'CostRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = ppRegion3
    mmHeight = 35454
    mmLeft = 93134
    mmTop = 282840
    mmWidth = 103188
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel111: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label111'
    Caption = 'Total Costs Tracked'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 95515
    mmTop = 292101
    mmWidth = 30163
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel112: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label112'
    Caption = 'Supplemental Required'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 95515
    mmTop = 297127
    mmWidth = 34925
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel113: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label113'
    Caption = 'Estimated Cost to Certificate'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 95515
    mmTop = 302154
    mmWidth = 42863
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel114: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label114'
    Caption = 'Total Invoices Paid by Company as of '
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 95514
    mmTop = 307711
    mmWidth = 56092
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText114: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText114'
    DataField = 'SPLMNTL'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taRightJustified
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 168276
    mmTop = 297127
    mmWidth = 17198
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText115: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText115'
    DataField = 'CSTCMPLT'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    DisplayFormat = '$#,0.00;($#,0.00)'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taRightJustified
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 168540
    mmTop = 302154
    mmWidth = 17198
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText116: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText116'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'BLFWDD'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    DisplayFormat = 'm/d/yy'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsUnderline]
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taRightJustified
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 151151
    mmTop = 307711
    mmWidth = 13420
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText117: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText117'
    DataField = 'BLFWD'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    DisplayFormat = '$#,0.00;($#,0.00)'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taRightJustified
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 168806
    mmTop = 307711
    mmWidth = 17198
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBCalc8: TppDBCalc
    UserName = 'DBCalc8'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'SUM OF camount'
    DataPipeline = plQueryCostTotal
    DisplayFormat = '$#,0.00;($#,0.00)'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsUnderline]
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taRightJustified
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plQueryCostTotal'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 151395
    mmTop = 291307
    mmWidth = 34078
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel27: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label27'
    Caption = 'Remaining AFE Balance'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 130175
    mmTop = 313003
    mmWidth = 35190
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText26: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText26'
    DataField = 'AFE - SUM OF camount'
    DataPipeline = plQueryCostTotal
    DisplayFormat = '$#,0.00;($#,0.00)'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold, fsUnderline]
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plQueryCostTotal'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 168806
    mmTop = 312738
    mmWidth = 17198
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel28: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label28'
    Caption = 'AFE Allocated'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 96044
    mmTop = 285222
    mmWidth = 20373
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText27: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText27'
    DataField = 'AFE'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    DisplayFormat = '$#,0.00;($#,0.00)'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    TextAlignment = taRightJustified
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 168275
    mmTop = 284428
    mmWidth = 17198
    BandType = 4
    object ppRegion1: TppRegion
    UserName = 'Region1'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 50271
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 0
    mmWidth = 202671
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel93: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label93'
    Caption = 'LANDOWNER'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 7408
    mmTop = 794
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    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText48: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText48'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'LANDOWNER'
    DataPipeline = plMoreLo
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMoreLo'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 33867
    mmTop = 794
    mmWidth = 20616
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel155: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label155'
    Caption = 'Well Name'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 1058
    mmTop = 9260
    mmWidth = 16140
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText105: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText105'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'PRJNAME'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3387
    mmLeft = 48683
    mmTop = 9260
    mmWidth = 45593
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel156: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label156'
    Caption = 'Survey Date'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 1058
    mmTop = 14552
    mmWidth = 17992
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText106: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText106'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'SURVEYDATE'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
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    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel157: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label157'
    Caption = 'Land Use'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 19844
    mmWidth = 14023
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText107: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText401'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'LANDUSE'
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    Font.Size = 8
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    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
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    mmLeft = 48683
    mmTop = 19844
    mmWidth = 13377
    BandType = 4
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    UserName = 'Label158'
    Caption = 'Well Site Description'
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    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
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    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 25136
    mmWidth = 31221
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBMemo35: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo201'
    CharWrap = True
    DataField = 'WELLDESC'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
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    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
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    Stretch = True
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    mmTop = 25136
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    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object ppLabel159: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label159'
    Caption = 'Access Road Description'
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    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
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    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 30427
    mmWidth = 37835
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel160: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label160'
    Caption = 'Pipelines'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
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    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 1323
    mmTop = 35719
    mmWidth = 13758
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel161: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label401'
    Caption = 'Project Co-ordinator'
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    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
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    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 41540
    mmWidth = 30427
    BandType = 4
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    UserName = 'DBText110'
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    Font.Size = 8
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    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3387
    mmLeft = 49213
    mmTop = 41540
    mmWidth = 19854
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel162: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label162'
    Caption = 'Well Type'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 9260
    mmWidth = 14552
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText111: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText111'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'WT'
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    Font.Size = 9
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    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
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    mmTop = 9260
    mmWidth = 4953
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel163: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label163'
    Caption = 'Anniversary Date'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 14552
    mmWidth = 25665
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText112: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText112'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'ANNDATE'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
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    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
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    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
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    mmLeft = 161661
    mmTop = 14552
    mmWidth = 15155
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel164: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label164'
    Caption = 'Well Interest'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 124354
    mmTop = 19844
    mmWidth = 19050
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText113: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText113'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'WELLINT'
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    Font.Size = 9
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    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
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    mmTop = 19844
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    UserName = 'Line6'
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    Weight = 1.5
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    object ppDBMemo3: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo3'
    CharWrap = True
    DataField = 'ARDESC'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
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    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
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    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
    mmHeight = 4498
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    mmTop = 30427
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    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object ppDBMemo4: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo4'
    CharWrap = True
    DataField = 'PIPELINES'
    DataPipeline = plDetails
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
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    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plDetails'
    mmHeight = 4498
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    mmTop = 35983
    mmWidth = 150548
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object KeyDatesRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'KeyDatesRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = ppRegion1
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 12435
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 50006
    mmWidth = 202407
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel94: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label94'
    Caption = 'Key Dates'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline]
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    mmLeft = 3704
    mmTop = 51594
    mmWidth = 15875
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel95: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label95'
    Caption = 'Current Status'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 56621
    mmWidth = 21960
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText54: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText54'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'Status'
    DataPipeline = plMainSource
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plMainSource'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 31750
    mmTop = 56886
    mmWidth = 14393
    BandType = 4
    object AbandonRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'AbandonRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = KeyDatesRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 61913
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppDBText50: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText50'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'ABANYR'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/m/d'
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    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
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    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 41010
    mmTop = 62442
    mmWidth = 13039
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel97: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label97'
    Caption = 'Abandonment Year'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 62442
    mmWidth = 28575
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel98: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label98'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 66146
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object Abancom: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'Abancom'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'ABANCOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3704
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    mmTop = 66146
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object DHAbandonRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'DHAbandonRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = AbandonRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 72496
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppDBText52: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText52'
    DataField = 'DHDATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 73025
    mmWidth = 17198
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel106: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label106'
    Caption = 'Down Hole Abandonment'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 73025
    mmWidth = 37571
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel107: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label107'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 76729
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object DHDatecom: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DHDatecom'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'DDDATECOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 76730
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object CutCapRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'CutCapRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = DHAbandonRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 83079
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel108: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label108'
    Caption = 'Cut & Cap'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 83873
    mmWidth = 14817
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel109: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label109'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 87577
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText56: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText502'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'CCDATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 83873
    mmWidth = 13039
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBMemo21: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'CCCom1'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'CCDATECOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 87577
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object FacRemRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'FacRemRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = CutCapRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 93663
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel118: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label118'
    Caption = 'Facilities Removed'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 94456
    mmWidth = 28046
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel119: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label119'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 98161
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText76: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText76'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'FACREMDATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 41010
    mmTop = 94456
    mmWidth = 21844
    BandType = 4
    object CCCom: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'CCCom'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'FACREMCM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 41010
    mmTop = 98161
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object ReconRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'ReconRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = FacRemRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 104246
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel121: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label121'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 108744
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel120: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label120'
    Caption = 'Reconnaissance'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 105040
    mmWidth = 25135
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBMemo22: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'CCCom2'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'RECONCOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 108744
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object ppDBText78: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText78'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'RECONDATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 105040
    mmWidth = 19897
    BandType = 4
    object PreRecRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'PreRecRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = ReconRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 114829
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel122: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label122'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 119063
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel123: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label1201'
    Caption = 'Pre-Reclamation Assessment'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 115359
    mmWidth = 44979
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText80: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText80'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'PRADATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 49213
    mmTop = 115359
    mmWidth = 14986
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBMemo23: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo23'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'PRACOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 49213
    mmTop = 119063
    mmWidth = 152400
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object InitialRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'InitialRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = PreRecRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 125413
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel124: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label124'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 129911
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel125: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label1202'
    Caption = 'Initial Reclamation '
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 126207
    mmWidth = 28310
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText82: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText82'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'IRDATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyy/mm/dd'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
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    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
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    object ppLabel128: TppLabel
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    UserName = 'Label129'
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    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
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    mmHeight = 3704
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    object ppDBText86: TppDBText
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    object ppDBMemo26: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo26'
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    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
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    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 150812
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    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
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    UserName = 'SeedingRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
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    mmHeight = 11113
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    mmTop = 157163
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    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel130: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label130'
    Caption = 'Seeding'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
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    mmTop = 157692
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    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel131: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label131'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 161396
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText87: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText87'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'SEEDDATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
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    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 157692
    mmWidth = 17103
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBMemo27: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo27'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'SEEDCOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 161396
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object SprayingRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'SprayingRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = SeedingRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 168275
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel132: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label132'
    Caption = 'Spraying'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 168805
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel133: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label133'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 794
    mmTop = 172509
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBMemo28: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo28'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'SPRAYCOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 172509
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object ppDBText88: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText88'
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    DataPipeline = plStatus
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    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 168805
    mmWidth = 19219
    BandType = 4
    object FertilizingRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'FertilizingRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = SprayingRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 178594
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel134: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label134'
    Caption = 'Fertilizing'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = [fsBold]
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 179123
    mmWidth = 14288
    BandType = 4
    object ppLabel135: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label135'
    Caption = 'Comments'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    Transparent = True
    mmHeight = 3704
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 182827
    mmWidth = 13229
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBText89: TppDBText
    UserName = 'DBText89'
    AutoSize = True
    DataField = 'FERTDATE'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    DisplayFormat = 'yyyy/mm/dd'
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    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 9
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3810
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 179123
    mmWidth = 16764
    BandType = 4
    object ppDBMemo29: TppDBMemo
    UserName = 'DBMemo29'
    CharWrap = False
    DataField = 'FERTCOM'
    DataPipeline = plStatus
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
    Font.Size = 8
    Font.Style = []
    ParentDataPipeline = False
    Stretch = True
    Transparent = True
    DataPipelineName = 'plStatus'
    mmHeight = 3969
    mmLeft = 40746
    mmTop = 182827
    mmWidth = 160073
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    mmLeading = 0
    object MonitoringRegion: TppRegion
    UserName = 'MonitoringRegion'
    Pen.Color = clWhite
    ShiftRelativeTo = FertilizingRegion
    Stretch = True
    mmHeight = 11113
    mmLeft = 0
    mmTop = 189177
    mmWidth = 202142
    BandType = 4
    mmBottomOffset = 0
    mmOverFlowOffset = 0
    mmStopPosition = 0
    object ppLabel136: TppLabel
    UserName = 'Label136'
    Caption = 'Monitoring'
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clBlack
    Font.Name = 'Arial'
  • edited June 2002
    I checked out your layout and everything seems ok as far as I can tell
    though obviously I can't run the report.
    You mentioned that the problem occurs somethimes. Is there a particular set
    of conditions that causes the behavior consistently or does it seem random?
    Try narrowing the issue down by reducing the number of factors. For example,
    first remove any event handler code. If the problem persists, remove the
    subreport, and so on. Hopefully this might point you in the right direction
    to look for the problem.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2002
    There are specific records that cause this problem consistently, and I have
    poked and prodded and explored what the differences are between a record that
    repeats itself and one that doesn't. I will keep at it, though. Thanks for the
    suggestions. I have already tried removing the event handler code in the
    header.BeforePrint and that didn't help.

    I suspect the problem is in the subreport, since it is just about the last thing
    printed. Problem is, I Can't Find it!!! Yes, there is the srCostsQuery tab so
    I can go look at its subreport, but I cannot find it on the main report page.
    Shouldn't it be there in the detail band where it prints? What I want to do is
    delete it to see if the problem goes away. How can I find it, or otherwise
    delete the subreport?

    Thanks again for the suggestions, we will squash this problem yet.


  • edited June 2002
    Actually I had the same problem :) Turns out the subreport is hidden in the
    Reclamation Certificate Issued region. You have to expand the region
    downward to reveal the subreport. I'm not sure why it was hidden in the
    first place.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.