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DataSource in TeeChart disappear

edited June 2002 in General

I'm using Delphi6 and ReportBuilder 6.03 Enterprise Edition.
Something is not right in teechart datasource property.
I set it to a datapipeline, saved and closed the form.
I opened it again, and it returned to random.
It wasn't like this in Delphi5.
I have to reset the datasource everytime I open the form.
Why is it so, how to make it permanent?



  • edited June 2002
    Which version of TeeChart do you have? RB6.03 is fully compatible with
    TeeChart 5.02a. You can check if the pipeline name is being streamed down
    properly with the form by viewing the form as text after having saved it.
    Find the TeeChart component in the form text and underneath it should be a
    ChartControl and then a Series. The series has a DataSource property which
    should be set to your pipeline. If it is not, the property is not being
    saved properly for some reason.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2002
    Hi, Alexander.
    Thanks for answering.
    It's saved, but when I open it, it's somehow changed to random again.


    "Alexander Kramnik (Digital Metaphors)" wrote
  • edited June 2002
    Where is (are) the pipeline(s) located? Is it possible that the chart simply
    cannot reconnect to the pipeline when the chart is loaded? Can you create a
    simple demo which has this behavior and send it to


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2002
    Hi, Alexander.

    I found out that it's because of the plugin we're using.
    We're using SmartPlugin from Athrasoft, it was fine in Delphi 5 though.
    I tried to build normal project (not a plugin) and drop a teechart on
    ppreport, no problem.
    I'll try to contact Athrasoft.

    Thanks anyway.

    "Alexander Kramnik (Digital Metaphors)" wrote
This discussion has been closed.