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Subtotals using TppDBCalc with Sum(Detail_Value)?

edited June 2002 in General
Hi there,

I thought using a TppDBCalc (DBCalcType = dcSum on a datafield of the
detailband) would be an easy way to get actual subtotals on every page
footer and page header. But this seems not to work properly!

E.g. when only the last detail band is printed on the last page, the
subtotal of the previous page shows the grandtotal. That means the
sum-function calculates incl. the last detail value, but the detailband is
not printed on this page.

What can I do to correct this behaviour? Or do I have to generate subtotals
in a different way?
I'm using RB 6.03 and Delphi 5 Pro.



  • edited June 2002
    Can you please send an example of this to support@digital-metaphors.com. I
    haven't been able to reproduce this behavior but we would like to look into


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2002
    Hi Alexander,

    Yes I'll try to extract this part from my project, but it'll take some time.

    So long,
  • edited July 2002

    I have the exact problem. Working on a report that is an Invoice.
    I have a DBCalc that displays the totals at the bottom of the page, I
    also have a KeepTogether in the Detail line. When the report is a
    single page, the DBCalc totals the values correctly, but if the report
    spans more that 2 pages, it must show a "Balance c/f"

    If the report spans over 2 pages, the DBCalc print the totals on the
    first page "Balance c/f", but includes the value of the last detail line
    that didn't fit on the first page. So the "Balance c/f" on the first
    page is a sum of all the values on the first page, plus the first detail
    line on page 2.

    Hope somebody can help of give some ideal please....

    Kind Regards,
    - Graeme -

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