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Newbie: Setting connection params at runtime

edited June 2002 in General

I would like to do the following:

Have one app and one tPPReport and reuse it for:

Loading different rtm files, and supplying different database parameters at
run time.
I can load the rtm files, but I am stuck trying to find how I populate the
database connection parameters. I will also probably want to pass parameters
programatically too...

Can't seem to find the info in the help. It might help if I say that I`m
trying to include rtm files for reporting from a cgi application.

Can someone fasttrack me to some help?



  • edited June 2002
    You can store the name of the database as well as the parameters with each
    template. That way, when you load the template you can access that data and
    know which database to connect to and which parameters to pass to the
    database object to configure it. See the information below on storing custom
    information in a template.


    Alexander Kramnik
    Digital Metaphors

    Tech Tip: Storing Custom Information with Templates


    How can I store descriptive information with my report template?


    1. If you are storing the templates to a database, then you can use the
    Report.Template.OnSaveEnd and OnLoadEnd events to store and load the
    custom information to appropriate data fields for the record. (This is
    the technique used by the ReportExplorer.)

    2. If you are storing templates to .rtm files, then you will need to
    store the custom information in an Offset area of the template file. The
    Report.Template object enables you do this by utilizing the
    Template.Offset property and the Template.OnLoadStart and OnLoadEnd
    events. Below is a detailed example.

    - Create a new application.
    - Add to the main form one TButton, one TppReport and one TppDesigner.

    - Set the Designer's Report property to ppReport1.
    - Add ppTypes to the uses clause.

    TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    ppReport1: TppReport;
    ppDesigner1: TppDesigner;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure LoadReportStreamEvent(Sender: TObject; Stream: TStream);
    procedure SaveReportStreamEvent(Sender: TObject; Stream: TStream);


    end; { class TForm1 }

    {note: use compiler directive to declare strings as 'ShortStrings'
    this is required for record structures}


    {record structure used to store information inside report template }
    TmyTemplateInfo = record
    HeaderID: Integer;
    Comments: String;
    DateTime: TDateTime;

    end; {record, TppTemplateRec}


    cHeaderID = 12345;


    { TForm1.FormCreate }

    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    {setup Template events }
    ppReport1.Template.Format := ftASCII;
    ppReport1.Template.Offset := SizeOf(TmyTemplateInfo);
    ppReport1.Template.OnLoadStart := LoadReportStreamEvent;
    ppReport1.Template.OnSaveEnd := SaveReportStreamEvent;

    end; {procedure, FormCreate}

    { TForm1.Button1Click }

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


    end; {procedure, Button1Click}

    { TForm1.LoadReportStreamEvent }

    procedure TForm1.LoadReportStreamEvent(Sender: TObject; Stream:
    lTemplateInfo: TmyTemplateInfo;
    lsMessage: String;


    {read string stored in template header }
    Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
    Stream.Read(lTemplateInfo, SizeOf(TmyTemplateInfo));

    {note: if not one of the templates with our header info, then set
    Offset to 0 }
    if lTemplateInfo.HeaderID = cHeaderID then
    lsMessage := 'Reading data from template file: ' + #13#10 + #13#10
    lTemplateInfo.Comments + ' (' +
    DateTimeToStr(lTemplateInfo.DateTime) + ')';

    MessageDlg(lsMessage, mtInformation, [mbOK],0);
    ppReport1.Template.Offset := SizeOf(TmyTemplateInfo);
    ppReport1.Template.Offset := 0;

    end; {procedure, LoadReportStreamEvent}

    { TForm1.SaveReportStreamEvent }

    procedure TForm1.SaveReportStreamEvent(Sender: TObject; Stream:
    lTemplateInfo: TmyTemplateInfo;
    lsMessage: String;


    lTemplateInfo.HeaderID := cHeaderID;
    lTemplateInfo.Comments := 'This comment is being stored inside the
    report template, ' + #13#10 +
    'along with the date and time written. ';
    lTemplateInfo.DateTime := Now;

    {write info to template header}
    Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
    Stream.Write(lTemplateInfo, SizeOf(TmyTemplateInfo));

    lsMessage := 'Writing data to template file: ' + #13#10 + #13#10 +
    lTemplateInfo.Comments + ' (' +
    DateTimeToStr(lTemplateInfo.DateTime) + ')';
    MessageDlg(lsMessage, mtInformation, [mbOK],0);

    end; {procedure, SaveReportStreamEvent}

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