I'm trying Report Builder 6.03 when i install the rotate label the vcl don't found rvcl66.pas... I think the file is this... or ???66... Ok, est? bem...
Rog?rio Alves de Oliveira Email: rogerioaoliveira@ig.com.br HomePage: Clique aqui para visitar meu Website Pessoal Fone: (11) 4584-7773 Fone: (11) 9806-9130
what RCL package did you download?
what means 'or something'?
what is the version of your Delphi & ReportBuilder?
Chris Ueberall;
when i install the rotate label the vcl don't found rvcl66.pas... I think
the file is this... or ???66...
Ok, est? bem...
Rog?rio Alves de Oliveira Email: rogerioaoliveira@ig.com.br HomePage: Clique
aqui para visitar meu Website Pessoal Fone: (11) 4584-7773 Fone: (11)
what version of Delphi are you using?
Chris Ueberall;