Cannot Generate Rport - The parameter is incorrect
I have a report which mainly consists of a RichText component. On WinPro
and WinXP the report runs OK. On Win98 I get the above error message. I
have tried using the RichEd20.dll from my WinPro machine and copying this
onto the Win98 to see whether this would make the difference - it didn't.
Any ideas?
BTW the Tech-Tips Newsgroup seems to have gone wrong. When I click on one
of the subject headers I get a completely different subject coming up as the
and WinXP the report runs OK. On Win98 I get the above error message. I
have tried using the RichEd20.dll from my WinPro machine and copying this
onto the Win98 to see whether this would make the difference - it didn't.
Any ideas?
BTW the Tech-Tips Newsgroup seems to have gone wrong. When I click on one
of the subject headers I get a completely different subject coming up as the
This discussion has been closed.
ppRichText. For example, on Win98 it cannot generate if it is over about
half a page. On WinXP it prints at any size and goes over to the next page
if necessary. Any help appreciated.
rich edit vendors, such as InfoPower or WPTools. Please delete the tech
tips local cache on your machine and then redownload the tech tip newsgroup
messages. Also, make sure you have the latest printer drivers installed in
the Win 98 machine.
Article: ReportBuilder's RichText architecture
The RichText in ReportBuilder is a wrapper around Delphi's TRichEdit which
in turn relies on Windows. There are two versions of Windows richedit -
RichEd32.dll is the older one and RichEd20.dll is a newer one (RichEd32 is
being phased out).
Delphi by default relies on RichEd32 - the older version.
A problem occurs when using the RichEd32 with Office 2000 installed and
to print.
To correct this problem, we made a modification, to use RichEd20 when
1. You could try downloading a newer version of RichEd20 from MS web site.
2. You could try downloading the latest printer driver and testing with
another printer.
3. If you want to revert to the old RichText behavior, add an initialization
section to the bottom of your unit and code:
For an example of the above, check out ppDrwCmd.pas. It registers
a class called TppRichEdit:
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Digital Metaphors
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors