Report Conversion
Hello, Ive posted messages before on this subject but got sidetracked with
other things so once again....
At the moment we are currently converting our software from Paradox tables
to Advantage.
We currently have a large number of customers using the report builder and
they have existing reports saved in the rbitem and rbfolder tables.
I would like to convert these reports to advantage (as they still look at
the old paradox alias) in and automated fasion, without having to save each
report in turn to file, then parsing the text then saving it back into the
If this is not possible can I automate the open, save to file, parse the RTM
file , and save as without opening each report manually. Or do you have
any good suggestions
Kindest regards and thankyou
other things so once again....
At the moment we are currently converting our software from Paradox tables
to Advantage.
We currently have a large number of customers using the report builder and
they have existing reports saved in the rbitem and rbfolder tables.
I would like to convert these reports to advantage (as they still look at
the old paradox alias) in and automated fasion, without having to save each
report in turn to file, then parsing the text then saving it back into the
If this is not possible can I automate the open, save to file, parse the RTM
file , and save as without opening each report manually. Or do you have
any good suggestions
Kindest regards and thankyou
This discussion has been closed.
advantage database. Save it in ascii format. Report.Template.Format
property. Compare this to the paradox template's database settings. You'll
have to write a parser that changes these in the old templates to the new
ones in order to connect to Advantage. Here is a demo which shows how to
load a binary template as ascii without having to load it into a report
object, whcih would require streaming the objects up into existence
unnecessarily creating overhead when all you want to do is change the
template and save it down.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
saved in the rbitem.db table with the field template containing text such as
RB Item Table - Field Template ------
TPF0 TppReport ppReport1AutoStopDataPipeline plCon_MchPassSetting
interSetup.PaperNameA4 210 x 297
The conversion is fine with files allready in the rtm format - But how can
I make this work for reports stored within a table ?
Thankyou for your help
instead of loading from file you can load the templates from the BLOB field. See 'Delphi.hlp' topic 'TBlobField.SaveToStream'.
Chris Ueberall;