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Template being Loaded on FormCreate Causes AV

edited October 2002 in General

I'm running Win2000/D6.2/RB7

This problem apparently existed in RB6.03 but the exception was handled. In
RB7 it's not being handled and I get an AV.

It's trying to open the dataset for my template on the form.create event.

The error finally occurs in the code below on the line:


{ TppDBPipeline.OpenDataSet }

procedure TppDBPipeline.OpenDataSet;

if (FDataSet <> nil) and (csDestroying in FDataSet.ComponentState) then

FDataSet := FDataLink.DataSet;

if (FDataSet <> nil) then

if FOpenDataSource and (FDataLink.DataSet <> nil) then
except on E: Exception do
raise EDataError.Create(E.Message);

end; {procedure, OpenTheDataPipeline}



Ben Hoffman
Programmer / Analyst
Sirs Publishing, Inc.
1-800-232-7477, Ext. 797


  • edited October 2002
    What database are you using? There was an issue with the daASTA DADE plugin
    which would cause the query to be executed when the template was loaded.
    Download the latest ASTA plugin which has ben tested with RB 7 and ASTA 3.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002

    We are using DataSnap and Oracle8i, so I don't think that this would apply.


  • edited October 2002
    Are you using DADE? If so, which DADE plugin are you using for Oracle? I
    don't see anything in the plugins that would cause this. Regardless, the
    pipeline should not open the dataset when the template is loaded. Do you
    have any event handlers that would cause the query to be opened or the
    datapipeline to open the dataset? There is a Datapipeline.OpenDatasoure
    property that you can try setting to false to see who is trying to open the
    datasource. Point your library path to RBuilder\Source and place a
    breakpoint in ppDBPipe.pas in the TppDBPipeline.OpenDataSet routine. Check
    the call stack to see how is triggering the open call.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002
    Hi Jim,

    I am not using DADE and there are no other events.

    When I try to set the Datapipeline.OpenDatasource to false, I get an error
    in TppTemplate.CheckDatabaseSettings that the TemplateField is of the wrong
    type. That is because it retrieves the DataBaseSettings.TemplateField as
    I don't think that this helps because if I look at the call stack with
    Datapipeline.OpenDatasource = false, it still tried to load the data ahead
    of time.

    In any case, the call stack (with Datapipeline.OpenDatasource = True) is as
    follows (The bottom item is my procedure of course):



  • edited October 2002
    I opened our installed Oracle DOA end user example. Then I loaded a report
    template in the form create event and called print. It loaded and printed
    with no problems.

    You say that that the field type is unknown. What does your code to load the
    template look like? Then check to make sure that the string you have set in
    the Report.Template.DatabaseSettings.TemplateField matches the field name
    for the field in your database. There shouldn't be an AV when it fails
    though, it should raise an exception and tell you what the problem is, this
    is the behavior we are getting here. Can you create an example that we can
    run here that shows the problem? Send it to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002
    I've emailed the sample App. I'll wait to hear from you.


    Ben Hoffman
    Programmer / Analyst
    Sirs Publishing, Inc.
    1-800-232-7477, Ext. 797

  • edited October 2002
    Thanks, we've received the demo.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002
    Report.SaveAsTemplate is set to true and the Report.Template.SaveTo is set
    to database. This means that when the report is loaded, it tries t load the
    template form the database. This would be bad, unless you are usign the
    report explorer and have the template in a database ready to b loaded or
    saved. If the data access has not been configured, then you must wait before
    trying to set these properties until you have the template data access
    components configured to support the SaveAsTemplate property. Set
    SaveAsTemplate to false at delphi design time and the problem will go away
    when you create the form.

    BTW, it's not an AV, its an exception that gets raised. This is better than
    an AV because you can handle the exception at runtime.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited October 2002
    Makes sense... Thanks.

This discussion has been closed.