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Problem with TeeChart ... very urgent

edited February 2003 in General
I am a registered user from Brescia (Italy). I have this configuration:
Delphi 5, RB 6.03 and the standard TeeChart component released with
Delphi 5 (version 4.02 I think).
I reopen some project made with RB 4 and in the report form
the TppTeeChart component is ok but the subcomponent
THorizBarSeries and TppChartControl are missing !!!!!!
The compilation fail and in the object inspector the component
that the compiler don't recognize are missing ...
What are the solution ???
Please take me a solution very soon because is very urgent for me
to use RB 6.03 to use Extradevice for pdf exporting

Thanks in advance and excuse for by bad english

Gaetano Scandale - Brescia


  • edited February 2003

    1. Starting with RB 6, the TppTeeChart is the owner of the TppChartControl.
    Thus the chart, the series, etc. are no longer owned by the Form. This
    change was needed to support Delphi 6.

    2. There is converstion logic for the old reports, but perhaps the chart
    conversion is not working. Try manually removing any chart references from
    the form. Close the form, save, and then reopen it. If it complains the
    chart is missing, choose ignor.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2003
    In the code of the report form I have substitute
    the reference of the object TppChartControl with
    RepChart.Chart (RepChart is the name of the TppChart
    component) and THorizBarSeries with
    RepChart.Chart.Series[0] but I have
    other error message because the compiler don't recognize
    the property BarPercentWidth. How can I workaround this error?
    And how can I access to the event handler AfterDrawValue
    of the HorizbarSeries ?
    Thanks in advance

    Gaetano Scandale - Brescia

    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) ha scritto nel messaggio
  • edited March 2003
    I have another problem.
    In version 4 of RB I have a report that in the Summary Band
    (printed in a new page) I insert a ppImage component.
    When I convert the report in 6.03 version the ppImage component
    don't respect the position in the summary band
    and cover the band , positioning themself at the top of the band.
    Where is the problem ?

    Gaetano scandale - Brescia
    Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) ha scritto nel messaggio
  • edited March 2003
    Check the PrintPosition property of the summary band. If you are creating
    the image component at runtime, make sure that you are assigning the band
    property of the image to the summary band. Is there a ShiftRelativeTo
    setting that is not assigned? Can you provide an example to
    support@digital-metaphors.com of the report which does not convert?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    Can you see the previous message about the problem with TChart ?

  • edited March 2003
    You should be able to typecase the series object as a THorizBarSeries and
    then assign the event handler in code.

    MyObject.OnSomeEvent := MyEventHandlerMethodName;


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.