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IntraWeb - ReportBuilder - Apache2 issue

edited February 2003 in General
I'm using Delphi7 Enterprise, ReportBuiler 7.1, ReportBuilder Export Devices
Pro and Apache2.0.43 on Windows 2000 Workstation.

When Apache is up and running for more than 24 hours then when I run a
report only the cascading stylesheet file is created and I get an Access
violation (typical: Access violation at address 00000000, Read of address
00000000). When I restart Apache the problem disappear till one day later.

I don't think it's a hardware problem because two different PC-servers give
the same problem. While abovementioned problem exists all the interactive
screens are working fine.


Nols Smit


  • edited February 2003

    I would have no idea what might cause this.

    We have had no reported issues like this. Nor have we encountered any issues
    with RB Server Edition. Our live demo server stays up for literally months
    at a time. (FWIW, it is running IIS, not Apache.)

    Try creating an version of the application that can be executed with the
    Delphi debugger. Execute the reports and use a utility such as Sleuth QA
    Suite to check for memory leaks and resource leaks.

    Also try setting the Report.PrinterSetup.PrinterName to 'screen'. The will
    avoid using the Printer Driver - which itself may be leaking or causing
    other issues.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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