Page colour
How does one change the page colour on a previewed report. A number of
people have clWindow (i.e. "Window" item in screen settings) as something
other than white and the background colour of the page defaults to that
colour (clWindow). Need to be able to hard-code to page colour to clWhite.
Gilbert Grant
Cura Risk Management Software
How does one change the page colour on a previewed report. A number of
people have clWindow (i.e. "Window" item in screen settings) as something
other than white and the background colour of the page defaults to that
colour (clWindow). Need to be able to hard-code to page colour to clWhite.
Gilbert Grant
Cura Risk Management Software
This discussion has been closed.
FPageColor variable to clWhite. Then rebuild RB using this version of RB.
You'll have to change this everytime you install RB for future versions.
Make sure your library path is also pointed at RBuilder\Source instead of
RBuilder\Lib, unless you need RAP in which case you need to also include
RBuilder\Lib to bring in the RAP dcus. The RAP dcus don't need to be
recompiled if you only modify the implementation section of the viewer code
and not the interface section.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
Are you planning to release a version of RB that allows one to change this
setting without us having to change the source code? We are using v6.03, but
planning to upgrade to v7 fairly soon. For obvious reasons it is unwise to
change the source of any product that one buys and requires external support
on - as well as your points. Ideally one would wat to be able to pre-set
that colour at design time, then be able to configure it from the report
Sorry, my mistake i was looking to change the colour on the ppReport or
Designer component, not the viewer (which makes sense). By the way, did you
know that you have a published property on your TppViewer component called
"PageColor", so scrap my last reply.
procedure TForm1.ppReport1PreviewFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
TppViewer(ppReport1.PreviewForm.Viewer).PageColor := clRed; {pick your
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors