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just what is the status with languages?

edited May 2003 in General
I was already to purchase RB when I thought I would check about Unicode
support. I have been going back over the archives trying to get a handle on
what the support for multi-languages are and am confused by some of the
posts I have seen. It would appear that RB does not support Unicode. There
are also statements saying it does not support MCBS. But then I have seen
posts indicating that if I have characters stored in a database field and I
put this on a report with the correct font/charset on the report that it
would print ok. I have seen though that there are issues with wordwrapping
on such text.

However, RB does come with language translations. Now I gather these are
resources for strings displayed by RB, but what would be the point of having
a Chinese language pack if you couldn;t print the report in Chinese?

Bottom line is I need to generate reports that print things in Chinese and
possibly other Asian languages.

So what is the capability of ReportBuilder?




  • edited May 2003

    ReportBuilder does not have any explicit support for MBCS. This is on our
    to-do list.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2003
    But are people actually using it to do reports in Chinese or not? I mean my
    program doesn't have explicit support for MCBS but people can still type a
    characters into an Edit box and they get stored correctly, without any
    explicit work on my behalf.

  • edited May 2003
    We have been using RB from 4.x version for printing both Traditional Chinese
    and Simplified Chinese reports without problem.

    You can find samples in our web site: http://www.gtcl.com.hk. Enhanced
    edtion is using RB 6.x and Professional edition is using RB 4.23.

    Best Regards,

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