is there an event equivalent to the AceReporter band.OnPrintWhen :boolean ?
basically what I want to do is hide the detail band (and not add for calc
components for group totals for that hidden detail band).
it would look something like this I suppose:
TForm1.ppreport1Detailband1Printwhen(Band: TppDeatilBand; var Result:
Result := true;
if DataSet.FieldByName(test').asstring = 'N' then
result := false; // band is hidden and calcs don't calc
thanks, Jon
basically what I want to do is hide the detail band (and not add for calc
components for group totals for that hidden detail band).
it would look something like this I suppose:
TForm1.ppreport1Detailband1Printwhen(Band: TppDeatilBand; var Result:
Result := true;
if DataSet.FieldByName(test').asstring = 'N' then
result := false; // band is hidden and calcs don't calc
thanks, Jon
This discussion has been closed.
I looked into the issue you are having and it looks as though the OnCalc
event for variables fires before the DetailBand.BeforePrint does so even if
you could toggle the visibility of the detail band at certain times, you
would not be able to suppress the calculations of the components inside.
Your only other option would be to keep track of the values that get created
in the detail band that you want to hide and subtract them from the totals
at the bottom of the report.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
You might also check in the OnCalc for the same conditions you check in the
BeforePrint event.
Overall, I think RBuiler is a much better product, but,
(I hate to say it) that's one over RBuilder via Ace.
Maybe one for the Digital Metaphor's designers to consider for a future rev?
Thanks again,
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors