Is there any way I can flip contents of the report(start from right to left). This is for Arabisation, since ReportBuilder does not support this option yet, is there any other way I can do it?
Sorry, but there is not an easy way to accomplish this task. All text rendering in ReportBuilder is done left to right so you would need to override the existing draw command TppDrawText by creating your own descendent of TppDrawCommand. You would also have to code other custom items such as a new wrapped text renderer
Sorry, but there is not an easy way to accomplish this task. All text
rendering in ReportBuilder is done left to right so you would need to
override the existing draw command TppDrawText by creating your own
descendent of TppDrawCommand. You would also have to code other custom
items such as a new wrapped text renderer
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors