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Question about soBlank and soNotBlank search operators

edited July 2003 in General
I'm using Delphi 7 and Reportbuilder 7.02. I'm trying to add an
AutoSearchField, which will allow the end-user to include or ignore null
values in a date field. The soBlank and/or soNotBlank operators appear to
be ideal for this, but I can't seem to make the code work correctly in the
BeforeAutoSearchDialogCreate event. I didn't see an example in the
rbuilder\demos subdirectory for this particular parameter.

The help file states that no search value is required for this type of
search, but omitting it gives a syntax error, and passing a blank results in
a runtime type mismatch error. Changing the data type to dtBoolean doesn't
work, and using dtUnknown results in a compile time error that 'dtUnknown'
is an Undeclared identifier.

If you could point me in the right direction on this, I'd be most grateful.
An example would be ideal, but any hints would be appreciated. Thanks!

Mitchell Schaff


  • edited July 2003

    You need to manually set the table filter or sql criteria of your query when
    setting your autosearch criteria. In other words, after you define the
    search properties (ie. Report.CreateAutoSearchField), you need to change
    the table filter or query SQL in the Report.GetAutoSearchValues event. See
    the AutoSearch Table filter example located in the \RBuilder\Demos\5.
    AutoSearch\2. AutoSearch Field to Table Filter\... directory for an example
    of this.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2003
    I think I understand. What I was actually trying to do was to incorporate
    the technology in the "AutoSearchFieldsToSQLWhereClause" example project,
    which cycles through all the AutoSearchfields, and automatically generates
    the appropriate SQL code, then inserts it into the query for my report.

    I can handle the soNotBlank conversion to SQL manually, because the
    AutoSearchField.SQLString method doesn't seem to know how to correctly
    create the SQL code for an soNotBlank AutoSearchField. It generates the
    correct SQL code to allow null values, but then inserts the date string from
    the date expression parameter into the SQL string, which breaks the SQL.
    The resulting string is something like "DateField is not null 05/05/2003",
    where the 05/05/2003 comes from a dummy value that I'm passing to
    CreateAutoSearchFields. I can manually strip that last date expression out,
    and the SQL code works correctly. But the whole SQLString method doesn't
    work the same way for this type of search option as it does for an soLike
    search option, for example.

    Also, I'm still curious about the use of the dtUnknown data type. That type
    is listed in the ReportBuilder help file, but Delphi doesn't recognize it.
    Am I omitting a needed file in my "uses" clause, or is this data type not
    actually defined in ReportBuilder (a documentation error, perhaps?). The
    other dtxxx types compile fine, but not this one.

    Also, I have another question about AutoSearchFields. In my report
    selection criteria, I'd like to provide the user with the option of
    selecting the report contents based on a date range. Piece of cake, using
    the soBetween option, and generating the SQL using the SQLString method.
    The twist is that I'd also like the user to have the option of including or
    excluding Null values for this date field. In essence, I want the user to
    be able to say: "Give me all the records with (a) a date between 4/1/03 and
    5/1/03 OR (b) a blank date." The examples all show AND logic, with respect
    to the AutoSearchFields. I'm interested in providing OR functionality. Is
    there a technique built in to ReportBuilder, which could help with this

    Thanks for your original response, and to any responses to my latest
    questions. I am most grateful for your help.

    Mitchell Schaff

  • edited July 2003

    1. Try adding ppTypes to the 'uses' clause to enable the dtUnknown

    2. Check out the daSQL.pas file in the TppCriteriaType class for the
    definitions of the operators to use to get an "OR" in your Autosearch
    criteria by code. These are the same operators used when you right click on
    your search criteria in the DADE Query designer. The dacrOR operator is
    what you will want to use.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2003
    Thank you, once again, for your reply - I appreciate the feedback. I
    checked my report unit, and ppTypes is already in place. Browsing through
    the ppTypes.pas unit, I see the other dtxxx types, but no dtUnknown type. A
    search for 'unknown' comes up empty. Again, this is with the Pro version

    I briefly looked into the daSQL.pas file, although a search for
    tppcriteria came up blank. In the particular report that I'm creating, I
    haven't enabled the Query designer function. Instead, to simplify the
    process for the end user, I created two autosearch fields. The first allows
    the end-user to specify a date range, and the intent of the second was to
    allow the end-user to include or exclude the dates which were null. It
    appears that I may have to manually generate the sql code to do that, since
    the sqlstring method of the autosearchfield is not handling that correctly.

    If you have any additional suggestions, I'd appreciate hearing them.
    Regardless of that, thanks for the information thus far.

    Mitchell Schaff

  • edited July 2003
    Hi Mitchell,

    1. Sorry, this is a mistake in the help file. dtUnknown is not a supported
    type in Reportbuilder. Thanks for pointing that out.

    2. You will want to look for the TdaCriteria class in the daSQL.pas file.

    3. It looks as though you need to create a third autosearch field using the
    dacrOR operator inbetweent the two autosearch fields you already have.
    Check out the example below for the code you will need to use to insert the
    OR operator.


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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