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D3 to D7 Problem - Read of address 0000000

edited July 2003 in General

I am converting a project from D3/RB3.52 to D7/RB7.02 and I need help with
three problems. I use RTM files and load them as required from files.

Problem 1. - Printing a single page invoice.

If the invoice has more than 25 detail lines, it prints a Footer band on the
first page and a Summary band on the final page. A Footer band always
prints at the bottom of the page but a Summary band just prints after all
the detail has printed. Maybe my programming is unorthodox but here goes..
In order to ensure that the Summary band is printed in the same position as
the Footer band, I have two ppRegions in the Summary band. Region2 contains
all the stuff I want printed at the bottom of the final page, and Region1
contains a ppMemo that I add blank lines to in order to increase the height
of the Summary band. As Region1 is set to stretch and Region2 moves relative
to Region1 it has the effect of pushing the details in the Summary band to
the bottom of the page. While I realise that there may be easier ways of
doing this, the invoice was designed some time ago and is already with my
customers. The Problem - since converting, the stretchable region doesn't

Problem 2 - Printing a single page statement.

Much the same situation as above but different problem. The Region is
stretching, but the Footer band is printing. As this should be a single
page report and the Footer band is set to print on the first page but not on
the last page, it shouldn't print.
Strangely, the stretchable region is working OK.

Problem 3 - The Real Killer.

During the troubleshooting of these problems, I tried to launch the RB
Designer within the Delphi IDE and I get the following error:

Access violation at address 01D66617 in module 'vcldesigner70.bpl'. Read of
address 0000000

This error occurs twice before the designer opens, again when the report is
shown, and again when the designer is closed. It only seems to happen when a
report containing a PageStyle band is loaded and often requires a shutdown
of Delphi before a non-problematic report can be opened.

Any reports that are saved in DFM files are working OK and can be opened in
the RB Designer.when Delphi is launched. The RTM files are loading OK in
runtime, albeit with undesirable results, and no error messages are

I'm almost at my wits end, but I would welcome any suggestions.

Mike O'Grady

I use RTM files and load them as required from files. When I converted to
D7/RB7.02 and previewed a single page report (an invoice) I found that the
FooterBand was printing even though it is set not to print on the last page.


  • edited July 2003
    Hi Mike,

    1. Instead of using regions to position the summary band, try using the
    TppSummaryBand.PrintPosition property to define where you would like it's
    position on the page to be. You can access this property through code or by
    right clicking inside the summary band and selecting the "position" option.

    2. Are you able to recreate this issue with one of our demos or with a
    minimal report? In my testing, when I set PrintOnFirstPage or
    PrintOnLastPage to False on a one page report, neither printed.

    3. When The Report Designer initializes, it tries to directly load the
    print driver that you have installed as the default printer. Try updating
    to the latest print driver for the printer you are using.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2003
    Hi Nico,

    I did a little further digging and I'd like your opinion on the following

    1. Created a new project with a single form containing a TTable,
    TDataSource, TppBDEPipeline, and TppReport.
    2. Connected the TTable to the DBDemos database, Customer.DB table.
    Connected the TDatasource to the TTable, the TppBDEPipeline to the
    TDatasource, and the TppReport to the TppBDEPipeline.
    3. Double-clicked the TppReport to open the report designer.
    4. Clicked File - New Report and got - Access violation at address 01D66617
    in module 'vcldesigner70.bpl'. Read of address 0000000
    5. Figured that it must be my installation and uninstalled everything.
    6. Reinstalled just Delphi and ReportBuilder and repeated the above steps
    with the same results.
    7. Created a simple list report from the above configuration and put a
    rectangle in the Footer band so that I could see what was happening.
    8. Previewed the report and the footer band was displayed. Ok so far.
    9. Set PrintOnFirstPage to false and previewed the report again. The footer
    band was not displayed BUT the vertical space where the footer band would
    have been was not used by the report, i.e. the detail lines of the report
    didn't print in the area where the footer band would have been if it had
    been printed.

    This is what caused my problem with the footer band printing on the single
    page report when PrintOnLastPage was false. The "ghost" footer band is
    causing the report to run to two pages. This even happens if both
    PrintOnFirstPage and PrintOnLastpage are false. The only way to stop the
    footer band from using the space is to make it invisible.

    I would be interested in knowing if you, or any other forum readers, can
    replicate this behaviour or is it just me.

  • edited July 2003
    Hi Mike,

    - We have never had an AV like the one you are getting at that specific
    time. Which Edition of ReportBuilder 7.02 are you using? (ie. Standard,
    Pro, Enterprise, Server).

    - You might try creating a two pass report and in the Report.BeforePrint
    event (in the second pass) you could check the Report.PageCount for only one
    page. If the report ends up only have one page, you could set the
    visibility of the footerband to False. Something like the following.

    procedure Form.ReportBeforePrint(Sender: TObject);
    if Report.SecondPass then
    if Report.PageCount = 1 then
    FooterBand.Visible := False;

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2003
    Excuse me,

    You had one before. (me!)

    I recognize the error and get it the same way he does.

    and I am using Standard edition.


  • edited August 2003
    I might have found the source of the problem. The solution is up to you.....

    When you have loaded a report it produces an AV in vcldesigner70.bpl.

    BUT when you try to load the paramaters editor in the rightbutton menu of
    the TppReport component you get an error : No editor registered for this
    component and then stucks in the endless AV error loop again.

    Also. When loading an pas file which contains a form with a TppReport
    component it gives an AV when pressing Shift-F12 the first time. ( showing
    the form )

    Hope this helps cause it's a pain in the ass, because I don't like report
    building this way :(


  • edited August 2003
    Hi Paul and Mike,

    Thanks for reporting this issue. This is a design-time bug which we have
    fixed for the next release. Thanks for your patience.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2003
    when will the next release be put out ??

  • edited August 2003
    What's the story Nico?

    When is a problem a problem. When my customers report a problem, I take it
    seriously. Digital Metaphors obviously has taken a different approach. As
    one of your customers, I would expect that when I report a problem, you
    would assume that I have taken some time to try to resolve it before
    bothering you. The fact that Paul had to refute your assertion that you
    never had this AV problem before, suggests that you are not particularly
    interested in hearing about the obvious bugs in RB7.02. Also, if you had
    acknowledged that the problem existed, I could have been spared the hassle
    of uninstalling/reinstalling Delphi.

    In relation to the "fix" you proposed for the FooterBand problem, it's not
    exactly what I would have expected to hear from the experts. If you had
    done a little research, as I ultimately did, you would have found that RB is
    calculating the available space on the page BEFORE it checks to see if the
    FooterBand is to be printed. This is a change from previous versions where
    the available space was calculated after determining which bands were to be
    printed. Sure, I could have found this without bothering you, but I assume
    that your knowledge of the inner workings of RB would allow you to identify
    the problem much more quickly than I could.

    My problem with regions not stretching is due to a change in the timing of
    the ppReportEndFirstPass event. In previous versions, this event could be
    used to make changes to page contents. Not any more. If the changes that
    are being made to RB were documented, users could instantly see where
    changes in the timing of events have an impact.

    All of my migration problems from Delphi 3 to Delphi 7 are related to
    ReportBuilder, for which I paid an upgrade fee. Maybe I should have been
    given a "downgrade refund".

    I'm sorry for being so snotty and I HATE to be so aggressive but I have
    products and customers to support and the "upgrade" to RB7.02 has been a
    most painful experience, so much so that I have decided not to use it for
    any future projects. I will resist the temptation to use your forum to name
    a product which costs 60% less, has free upgrades, converted to D7
    effortlessly, and upgrades give improved functionality. But if you guys
    don't get your act together you won't be winning any awards in the future.
    In fact, you may not have a future

    Yours in frustration,
    Mike O'Grady

  • edited August 2003
    Okay DM,

    I've always loved your product, far better then QReports or Rave reports
    that was always included in Delphi.

    Making reports in DM was always fun. I occasionally didn't know what to do,
    but that was lack of experience of me. I always said : 'You wan't more
    reports, okay I got a tool that kicks ass!'

    But now, as of RB 7.02 it's a hell I can make reports. But whenever I try to
    load one. It goes down on me. Erroring all the way.

    You always thank for my patience, but it starts to run out.
    You said to me : 'We have the fix for the Designtime errors, here is a file
    for the run-time errors' I think. 'Wow! I didn't have any runtime errors,
    it's the designtime errors that are killing my production'
    Last thursday I used up 2,5 hours of my time to correct three pictures and
    reposition them a bit. A job easily done in 3 minutes.

    I'm not gonna demand anything. But I would like to tell you something. What
    would you think when you are using a product which isn't functional for at
    least 3 months, you've reported the problems several times. They tell you
    they have a fix that would fix all your problems but they won't just give it
    to you, yet.

  • edited August 2003
    Hello Gentlemen,

    I assure the both of you we are working diligently to resolve this issue.
    Thank you again for you patience.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2003

    We are aware of the bug you detected and are working to resolve the issue as
    quickly as possible. As this is a design time bug that only exists in the
    Standard version of ReportBuilder, it will require that we create a new
    release with the problem fixed. Being a developer yourself, I'm sure you
    know this cannot be done over night.

    I am very sorry for not realizing the change in the OnEndFirstPass event was
    the reason for the problem you were experiencing. ReportBuilder 4 was
    released over 3 years ago and it was an honest mistake that I had forgotten
    about this change.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.