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edited July 2003 in General
RB 7

Anybody know why I can't see any datasets in the ppDPTeeChart?



  • edited July 2003
    I would appreciate any feedback on the TChart issue. RB 7 apparently doesn't
    require you to purchase TChart anymore. We are running D6 with TChart that
    came with Delphi (4.04). When I drop a ppDPTeeChart on the report, on the
    series|DataSource tab| No datasets, pipeline are available. The pipeline is
    visible = true.


  • edited July 2003

    Please see the ReportBuilder Help in the ReportBuilder Reference | TeeChart
    | Delphi 6... section. This page gives a chart of all versions of TeeChart
    that are supported by ReportBuilder. The version of TeeChart that comes
    packaged with Delphi 6 (4.04) is not fully functional with ReportBuilder 7
    at design time.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2003
    I just found this post today after spending a couple of hours trying to
    upgrade a project that contains a DBChart to Delphi7 with RB7.02

    Let's get a few points clear:
    1 Delphi 7 ships with TeeChart 4.04.
    2. ReportBuilder 7.02 is the upgrade for Delphi 7.
    3. When you state that "The version of TeeChart that comes packaged with
    Delphi 6 (4.04) is not fully functional with ReportBuilder 7" surely you
    mean that ReportBuilder 7 is not fully functional with Delphi 6/7.

    When are you going to provide a fix for a lack of functionality in
    ReportBuilder. All of my migration problems from Delphi 3 to Delphi 7 are
    related to ReportBuilder, for which I paid an upgrade fee. I am totally
    annoyed with the responses that I am getting to the problems that are
    clearly ReportBuilder issues. Can I get my money back?

    Mike O'Grady.

  • edited August 2003
    Ok, now that I have expended all that negative energy in complaining, let me
    suggest a workaround for Roger and any other users who are unable to assign
    a datasource to a TDPChart.

    1. Design your report as normal in the Report Designer, including the series
    that you want to appear on the chart.
    2. Save the report and go to the procedure that contains your
    ppReport1.Print command.
    3. Before the print command is called, add the following assignments:
    ppDPTeeChart1.DataSource := 'the name of the appropriate pipeline'
    e.g 'ppBDEPipeline1'
    For each series add: (where x is the index number of the series)
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].ShowInLegend := True or False as
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].XValues.ValueSource := Name of
    field from pipeline
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].XValues.Name := Name of the series
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].XValues.DateTime := True or false
    as appropriate
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].XValues.Order := loAscending,
    loDescending, loNone as appropriate
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].XValues.Multiplier := 1, -1,
    whatever you need.
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].YValues.ValueSource := Name of
    field from pipeline
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].YValues.Name := Name of the series
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].YValues.DateTime := True or false
    as appropriate
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].YValues.Order := loAscending,
    loDescending, loNone as appropriate
    ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x].YValues.Multiplier := 1, -1,
    whatever you need

    Obviously it would be tidier to use "with ppDPTeeChart1.Chart.Series[x] do"

    4 Alternatively, you could use Alt-F12 to edit the DFM file and search for
    "Series1" (and subsequent series) and make the changes directly, which is
    what I did before I realised that all of the properties are accessible in
    code. The disadvantage of this approach is that if you edit the chart in
    the Report Designer, you will most likely lose the changes you made to the

    As I said in my earlier post, I don't like to be aggressive, so guilt got
    the better of me. I hope this helps.

    Mike O'Grady

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