Calculating totals on a value in a header band
I'm using Delphi 5 with RB standard 6.03. I have a master-detail report set
up with a group header containing a name and address. I have a subreport in
the detail band to print all related records for the particular master
record. I have a summary band where I want to print a count of master
records. I'm using a DBcalc component for this (type of count on the name
field that prints in the group header band).
When I get multiple records printing in the subreport, I get extra records
"counted in my summary total. For example, if I have 2 master records, but
one of them has 2 detail records, my summary count will be 3, rather than 2.
I've looked through the samples and the developer's guide, and can't see
where I've gone wrong. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Mark Anderson
I'm using Delphi 5 with RB standard 6.03. I have a master-detail report set
up with a group header containing a name and address. I have a subreport in
the detail band to print all related records for the particular master
record. I have a summary band where I want to print a count of master
records. I'm using a DBcalc component for this (type of count on the name
field that prints in the group header band).
When I get multiple records printing in the subreport, I get extra records
"counted in my summary total. For example, if I have 2 master records, but
one of them has 2 detail records, my summary count will be 3, rather than 2.
I've looked through the samples and the developer's guide, and can't see
where I've gone wrong. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Mark Anderson
This discussion has been closed.
Please send a small example demonstrating the problem in .zip format to and I'll take a look at it for you.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
The problem turned out to be a corrupt data pipeline. I deleted the
pipeline component, added a new one, connected the dots, and everything
worked as it should.
Hi Guys,
I am using D6 upd 2 w/ RB 6.05 Std. I am encountering this same problem
with a DBCalc set to dcsum. What happens is the value in the header is
added to the sum for each detail record that is calculated.
I have qMaster, dsMaster and qDetail, dsDetail with two TppDBPipelines:
plMaster and plDetail. Linking is done throught the datasets, not the
Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
David Fidler
Noratek Solutions, Inc
object plMaster: TppDBPipeline
DataSource = dsMaster
UserName = 'plMaster'
Left = 54
Top = 232
object plMasterppField1: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'ArTransID'
FieldName = 'ArTransID'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 0
Position = 0
object plMasterppField2: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'UserID'
FieldName = 'UserID'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtInteger
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 1
object plMasterppField3: TppField
FieldAlias = 'CustomerID'
FieldName = 'CustomerID'
FieldLength = 20
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 2
object plMasterppField4: TppField
FieldAlias = 'ArType'
FieldName = 'ArType'
FieldLength = 20
DisplayWidth = 20
Position = 3
object plMasterppField5: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'IsDebit'
FieldName = 'IsDebit'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtInteger
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 4
object plMasterppField6: TppField
FieldAlias = 'ArTransDate'
FieldName = 'ArTransDate'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDateTime
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 5
object plMasterppField7: TppField
FieldAlias = 'Reference'
FieldName = 'Reference'
FieldLength = 40
DisplayWidth = 40
Position = 6
object plMasterppField8: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'ArAmount'
FieldName = 'ArAmount'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 15
Position = 7
object plMasterppField9: TppField
FieldAlias = 'NetDate'
FieldName = 'NetDate'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDateTime
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 8
object plMasterppField10: TppField
FieldAlias = 'CashDiscountDate'
FieldName = 'CashDiscountDate'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDateTime
DisplayWidth = 18
Position = 9
object plMasterppField11: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'CashDiscountAmount'
FieldName = 'CashDiscountAmount'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 15
Position = 10
object plMasterppField12: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'IsChargeInterest'
FieldName = 'IsChargeInterest'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtInteger
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 11
object plMasterppField13: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'BankDepositGlTransID'
FieldName = 'BankDepositGlTransID'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 12
object plMasterppField14: TppField
FieldAlias = 'Notes'
FieldName = 'Notes'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtMemo
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 13
Searchable = False
Sortable = False
object plMasterppField15: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'IsEntryHold'
FieldName = 'IsEntryHold'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtInteger
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 14
object plMasterppField16: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'BatchID'
FieldName = 'BatchID'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 15
object plDetail: TppDBPipeline
DataSource = dsDetail
UserName = 'plDetail'
Left = 140
Top = 231
MasterDataPipelineName = 'plMaster'
object plDetailppField1: TppField
FieldAlias = 'AccountID'
FieldName = 'AccountID'
FieldLength = 0
DisplayWidth = 0
Position = 0
object plDetailppField2: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'Debit'
FieldName = 'Debit'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 15
Position = 1
object plDetailppField3: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'Credit'
FieldName = 'Credit'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 15
Position = 2
object plDetailppField4: TppField
FieldAlias = 'JobID'
FieldName = 'JobID'
FieldLength = 20
DisplayWidth = 12
Position = 3
object plDetailppField5: TppField
FieldAlias = 'AccountDescription'
FieldName = 'AccountDescription'
FieldLength = 40
DisplayWidth = 40
Position = 4
object plDetailppField6: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'ItemID'
FieldName = 'ItemID'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 5
object plDetailppField7: TppField
Alignment = taRightJustify
FieldAlias = 'ArTransID'
FieldName = 'ArTransID'
FieldLength = 0
DataType = dtDouble
DisplayWidth = 10
Position = 6
Please send an example demonstrating the issue in .zip format to so we can take a closer look at what is going
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors