You can do this by creating your report with columns and setting your Report.DetailBand.ColumnTraversal := ctLeftToRight. This is a published property so it can be set in the Object Inspector. This will cause each record to display in a new column horizontally. Below is an example that may help you.
my only problem now is it, that I have to make the settings in Repoertdesigner, without ObjectInspector. But there It can't set the Columns and Comlumnswidth to 4 and 2. And also the ColumnsTraversal I can't edit.
You are given one ColumnHeaderBand and one ColumnFooterBand when creating columns. If you need another band for a column, you will need to create a group and use the group header or footer.
You can do this by creating your report with columns and setting your
Report.DetailBand.ColumnTraversal := ctLeftToRight. This is a published
property so it can be set in the Object Inspector. This will cause each
record to display in a new column horizontally. Below is an example that
may help you.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
my only problem now is it, that I have to make the settings in
Repoertdesigner, without ObjectInspector. But there It can't set the Columns
and Comlumnswidth to 4 and 2. And also the ColumnsTraversal I can't edit.
How to do ?
You can access the column options directly from the designer by selecting
the File | Page Setup menu option, then clicking over to the Layout tab.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
You are given one ColumnHeaderBand and one ColumnFooterBand when creating
columns. If you need another band for a column, you will need to create a
group and use the group header or footer.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Mille Grazie
Thank you