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Unknown Database Error

edited October 2003 in General

We have two apps connect to the same set of tables for report designer.
These two apps use different Database Names. When I try to run the reports
from one app that were designed using the other app, it gives me an Unknown
Database error and give me the Database in the other app. Is there a way to
fix this so that it uses the database properties of the designer component
of the running app rather than the designing app?



  • edited October 2003
    Hi Trhia,

    The Database information is saved down in the Report Template when designing
    a report. You will either need to change the name of the database used in
    your second app to match the one in your first one, or manually edit the
    template files using the OnLoadEnd Event. See the article below on how to
    create and use this event to change any published report properties as you
    load them.

    Tech Tip: How to use the OnLoadEnd public event

    This tech tip explains how to control report property settings when saved
    reports are loaded by assigning an event handler to the OnLoadEnd event of
    the Report.Template object.

    The first thing we need to to is to declare the an event handler for the
    OnLoadEnd event:

    procedure LoadEndEvent(Sender: TObject);

    Then we need to assign the event handler when the form or datamodule
    containing the report component is created:

    procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    ppReport1.Template.OnLoadEnd := LoadEndEvent;


    Next we need to implement the event handler, setting the property values of
    the report:

    procedure TForm1.LoadEndEvent(Sender: TObject);
    ppReport1.AllowPrintToArchive := True;

    Any published properties of a report component which is used to load saved
    reports can be restored to the necessary settings using this technique.
    When a saved report is loaded, the published properties of the report are
    set the values as they exist in the saved version. These settings depend on
    the state of the report component when the report was initially saved, and
    they may not be the ones you want. By assigning this event handler, we can
    control the report component property values regardless of the values which
    exist in the saved version of the report.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2003
    Hi Nico,

    Thanks for the response. It tried the second option because I can not
    change the name of the database I use. This is due to the second app also
    have quite a number of saved reports already as well. The users of the
    second app decided that they want to be able to modify and run the reports
    from the other app hence the problem I am encountering at the moment.

    I tried to follow the article but the problem still occurs. Here is the
    code that I used. I must have done it incorrectly:

    procedure TReportDM.LoadEndEvent(Sender: TObject);
    var aList : TList;
    i : integer;
    aPipeLine : TppBDEPipeline;
    aList := TList.Create;
    for i := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do
    aPipeLine := TppBDEPipeline(aList[i]) ;
    if assigned(aPipeline.DataSource) and
    assigned(aPipeLine.DataSource.Dataset) then
    TQuery(aPipeLine.DataSource.DataSet).DatabaseName :=

    procedure TReportDM.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
    Report.Template.OnLoadEnd := LoadEndEvent;

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • edited October 2003
    Hi Trhia,

    Be sure your report does not reside on a DataModule. Try moving the report
    object to a form and see if this changes anything. Regardless, it is never
    a good idea to try to run a report on a DataModule.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2003
    Hi Nico,

    I tried :( but no luck .... I couldn't even get any of the reporting
    functions to run when I transferred them to a form. The report object is
    part of the designer/explorer objects to do our reporting functions to
    design/run/print and preview reports. When I transferred all the
    components and methods to the form, nothing worked anymore. When I run the
    report, I merely call ReportExplorer.PrintPreview or ReportExplorer.Print
    and passing in the folderID and name of the report. They all worked fine in
    the data module but now it doesn't from the Form. We had to do it this way
    because our app displays a tree view menu system for reports and forms
    combined. And so we use a DataModule to perform the functions as the user
    selects them.

    Yesterday, when I had it in the DataModule, debugging in the LoadEndEvent
    shows me that the DatabaseName of the datapipeline was set to an empty
    string. (Just letting you know in case it's relevant ...)



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