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Designer not resetting report

edited October 2003 in General
I have a ppdesigner with the following in the OnShow event


:= 1;

This works fine and show the preview by default but the report
on gets generated once, every subsequent call to
ppdesigner.showmodal shows the same report even though the query
to which it is linked has been changed.

I have tried, ppdetailband.reset. ppreport.reset
(ppdesigner.reset doesn't exist) which seem to do nothing. Only
if the user clicks design and back to preview does it regenerate
the report with the current results of the query.


  • edited October 2003
    Hi Pat,

    The reason you are not getting the new report is probably due to the fact
    that you are not regenerating a new report before calling the
    Designer.ShowModal. ReportBuilder was not necessarily designed to work this
    way but there are a couple things to try:

    1. Before calling ppDesigner.ShowModal again, call ppReport.PrintToDevices;

    2. Before calling ppDesigner.ShowModal, try setting
    NoteBook.SelectNextPage(False) then True again.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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