how many copies
I try to find out how many copy i have printed. I use a integer
HowManyCopies to initialise the copies.
But i can change them in the ReportPrintDialog. When i close the
ReportPrintDialog, the old value of
ppReport1.PrinterSetup.Copies is still active. Am i doing somthing wrong????
HowManyCopies := 2;
ppReport1.PrinterSetup.Copies := HowManyCopies;
ppReport1.ShowPrintDialog := True;
procedure TForm1.ppReport1PrintDialogClose(Sender: TObject);
if ppReport1.PrintDialog.ModalResult = mrCancel then
PrintenCanceld := True;
HowManyCopies := ppReport1.PrinterSetup.Copies;
Thanx in advandce.
I try to find out how many copy i have printed. I use a integer
HowManyCopies to initialise the copies.
But i can change them in the ReportPrintDialog. When i close the
ReportPrintDialog, the old value of
ppReport1.PrinterSetup.Copies is still active. Am i doing somthing wrong????
HowManyCopies := 2;
ppReport1.PrinterSetup.Copies := HowManyCopies;
ppReport1.ShowPrintDialog := True;
procedure TForm1.ppReport1PrintDialogClose(Sender: TObject);
if ppReport1.PrintDialog.ModalResult = mrCancel then
PrintenCanceld := True;
HowManyCopies := ppReport1.PrinterSetup.Copies;
Thanx in advandce.
This discussion has been closed.
I tested your code below on my computer and it seemed to work correctly.
Below is a link to the test app I made. Let me know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm using ReportBuilder 7.03 with Delphi 7.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
i used your app, but it doesn't work. I am using delphi6 and rb6.03.
I click print, he says 2 copies, i change it into 3 copies. But the message
after closing the printdialog says 2 copies made.
So i think this is a bugg???? i suppose.
Sorry, I understand now. This is not a bug, in ReportBuilder (as well as
most Windows applications) when a dialog is cancelled, all entered property
values are lost.
It is possible to replace any ReportBuilder dialogs with your own custom
dialog. You could possibly make a custom copy of the ppPDlg.pas file with
something like the following in the BtnCancel.OnClick event:
FPrinter.PrinterSetup.Copies := StrToInt(edtCopies.Text);
This way when the cancel button is clicked, the entered number in the
edtCopies text edit will be saved down as the number of copies.
For an example of creating and registering your own custom dialoges with
ReportBuilder, please refer to the Developer's Guide. (\RBuilder\Developer's
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
Ok, when you cancel printing, you loose all your setting of the printdialog,
that i can understand.
But when you acually print, he says that i have made 2 copy instead of 3
copies, when i change the copies in the printdialog from 2 into 3.
He prints 3 copies, but he still says 2 copies made. Is that also normal.
Try downloading the file again. I moved some code to the
Report.OnPrintingComplete event. By the time this event fires (granted you
selected the OK button), the Copies property will have been updated.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors