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Out of Memory Error

edited October 2003 in General
I have a Delphi 6 app that uses ReportBuilder 7.03. Several of my users have
started receiving an Out Of Memory error when they attempt to print one of
my reports. It seems that no other applications cause the problem, and even
then it is only this one particular report. This report consist of around 7
subreports. The most pages it ever produces for a report is 50. It started
as a far and few between problem that I chalked up to the computer having
the problem. It is now occuring on multiple machines at different sites.
Even a cold reboot fails to solve the problem. I am not convinced that this
is a report problem, but thought I'd throw it out here and see if anyone had
any ideas of where/how I might track down this problem.




  • edited October 2003
    Hi Eric,

    This is not a known issue with ReportBuilder. Are you loading numerous
    large images with the report on each page? Is the Report.CachePages
    property set to false? If possible, please send a copy of the report you
    are having problems with to support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll test it
    on my machine.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2003
    After a little testing, I was able to see the problem on my computer. I will
    have to run some further tests to see if what I think is happening is really
    the case. In the instance where I received the error, the report was 39
    pages long. When I hit print, it prints the first 15 pages then gets the
    error. The 15 pages print as expected, page 16 prints, but only partially.
    Without closing the report preview, I printed pages 17-39, prints fine.
    Then, again without closing, attempted to print just page 16, received
    memory error and a partial page printed.

    As it turns out, there is one TppImage on this page. I will continue to test
    to see if the image is always present when there is an error.



  • edited October 2003
    Try turning off DirectDraw.

    James Waler
    Waler Ltd
  • edited October 2003
    I and one other person I've seen reported the same problem with reports that
    included images, using v7.03 and D6. He reverted to v7.02 and the problem
    went away, I reverted to v7.02 and my problem went away as well.

  • edited October 2003
    > I and one other person I've seen reported the same problem with reports

    Interesting. Yes, other than the upgrade, I have not made any other changes
    to the report and it had been working fine prior to the upgrade. At the same
    time, I can't make an absolute connection to the problem starting at the
    same time I applied the upgrade. For now I will check the DirectDraw setting
    as suggested.

  • edited October 2003
    Hi Eric,

    There is a patch available for RB 7.03 that may help with this problem.
    Please send an email requesting the patch to support@digital-metaphors.com
    and we'll get it right out to you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2003
    "Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors)" wrote in
This discussion has been closed.