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Problem with detail Table

edited October 2003 in General
I'm experiencing two problems when printing records from a detail

In the most basic report, am attempting to print fields from a header
record and matching detail records. I have the fields from the header
printing in the detail area of the main report, then i've created a
sub-report w/an appropriate pipeline linking to the detail table.
I've also set up a group that breaks a page on every new header

The two problems are as follows:

If there are NO details to match the header, then that header record
is skipped completely.

If there are 3 detail records for the first record, then 2 for the
second, then only 2 detail records maximum will print on the report,
regardless of the actual number of matching details. So as I page
through the report, if the number of detail records decrease, that is
now the new maxiumum number of details that will print on subsequent
pages. I have a record w/only 1 detail matching, and once it hits
that, scrolling back and forth in the report now limits the details to
only print one of them.

I've been racking myself over this and building the report slowly and
watching the behavior and can't seem to figure it out. I am a new
user so I think I'm overlooking something very obvious.

Thanks in advance for any advice!



  • edited October 2003

    1. Try setting your DetailPipeline.SkipWhenNoRecords property to False.
    This should prevent the master from skipping any records.

    2. As a test, try setting the Report.CachePages property to true and see if
    this helps. If you are still experiencing this behavior, please send a
    small example demonstrating the issue to support@digital-metaphors.com and
    I'll take a look at it for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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