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Creating components runtime

edited October 2003 in General
Hello I am trying to create a memo and a shape component runtime... but I
have problem becouse streching the memo it draws itself over the bottom side
of a rectagular shape instead to be printed inside. I am posting my code
maybe I wrong somewhere...

APosY:= 0;
iOffSet:= 2;
aWidth:= 150;
ChrW:= 5;
aBand:= >> point to detail band and its heght is dynamic.
AMargin:= 10;
iCompIndex := FListaComp.Add(TppShape.Create(self));
//draw the shape
with TppShape(FListaComp.Items[iCompIndex]) do
Pen.Width := 1;
Shape := stRectangle;
Name := 'grdDetShp' + aField;
StretchWithParent := true;
spWidth := aWidth + chrW;
Band := aBand;
spLeft := AMargin + aPosx;
spTop := aPosY;
//draw the memo
iCompIndex := FListaComp.Add(TppDBMemo.Create(self));
with TppDBMemo(FListaComp.Items[iCompIndex]) do
CharWrap:= true;
KeepTogether := true;
TextAlignment := taLeftJustified;
Stretch := true;
Name := 'grddb' + aField;
DataPipeline := AReport.DataPipeline;
DataField := aField;
spWidth := 150 - (iOffSet * 2);
Band := aBand;
spLeft := AMargin + iOffSet + aPosx;
spTop := aPosY + iOffSet;


  • edited October 2003
    Hi Marco,

    Your code looks fine. Is the memo printing outside the rectangle when you
    print to your printer or just to the screen. As a test, try zooming in to
    250% in your preview window and see if the text is actually outside the
    rectangle. ReportBuilder uses your printer driver to render to the screen
    and in the conversion process from printer pixels to screen pixels, some
    precision is lost. Feel free to send an example to
    support@digital-metaphors.com if you are still experiencing a problem.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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