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Flip or Rotate the Canvas

edited October 2003 in General
I need to print a label upside down. I can rotate a canvas but I can not
seem to find where I should do this. I always seem to be rotating the
printer canvas prior to anything being written to it.

Is there an event that fires after the printer.canvas has been written on
but prior to it being sent to the printer that I can access???



  • edited October 2003
    Hi Paul,

    Before trying to rotate the label on your own, I suggest checking out the
    RotatedText component available for download from our web site. This add-on
    component offers an Angle property to a normal TppLabel. You can download
    this component in the friends | rcl section of our website

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited October 2003
    Unfortunetly the rotated text components are not an option. I was wondering
    if there were others.

  • edited November 2003
    Any other suggestions? The RotatedText component is not an option for

  • edited November 2003
    Hi Paul,

    Adding a native rotated label to ReportBuilder is currently on our "To-Do"
    list. For now, you might have a look at the TppBarCode component. This
    component has the ability to rotate in 90 Degree increments and uses the
    ppTextOutRotate function located in the ppDrwCmd.pas file as a general
    routine. The RotatedText add-on component uses this method as well. I
    would suggest taking a look at it and see if you can use it for your needs
    or perhaps give you some clues on how you could implement a solution.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2003
    I have spent some time looking at this and also have now spent money
    talking to a Tech support engineer. The problem is that the RotatedText
    add-on does not allow word wrap or aligning of the text. So again it fails
    to really do what we need. I am wondering if createing a custom
    printerdevice might be a solution to take the whole printerdevice canvas
    prior to finalizing and rotate the Canvas. I talked to Nard about this and
    at first we thought it might work but I later recieved an e-mail that
    looking at the RotatedText would be a better solution. I am looking for all
    the help I can get on this because the problem must be solved.


  • edited November 2003

    This question is being handled via support@digital-metaphors.com.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited November 2003
    Did Paul get a solution here? We need to do the same sort of thing for a
    customer packing ticket that includes a coupon at the end. We are using
    RichText for formatting and wanted to rotate it sideways.


    Rick Whitaker
    Iowa Glass Depot

  • edited November 2003

    Below was my last response on this issue. My recommended solution for their
    needs was to descend from TppDBText and implement a custom draw command
    class that could render the text rotated by 180 degrees.

    TppDBText -> TppDrawText (RB built in classes)
    TmyDBText -> TDrawRotatedText (DBText descendant, draw command class from
    the rotated text component).

    For RichText, the draw command class is TppDrawRichText. It is located in
    ppDrwCmd.pas. You might be able to implement a draw command class that can
    rotated the rich text 90 degrees. When drawing to the screen, the RichText
    is renderes to a MetaFile and then drawn to the screen canvas. You could
    implement a similar approach that draw the RichText to a metafile and then
    rotates the metafile to the screen/printer canvas.


    Here is my response to the originaly question......

    The hierarchy for the RotateLabel component looks like this:

    TppPrintable (ppPrnabl.pas)
    TppComponent (ppClass.pas)
    TppCustomComponent (ppCtrls.pas)
    TppCustomText (ppCtrls.pas)

    The WordWrap property is defined in TppPrintable. It is redeclared by
    TppLabel to be published. Many properties are declared by ancestors by then
    not really supported. It is up to descendants to publish the propery and
    provide the necessary behavior to for the property.

    I can now think of two ways to proceed (the second approach seems like the
    way to go).

    1. Add support for WordWrap to TRotatedLabel. (see TppLabel in ppCtrls.pas
    for an example).

    2. Since you only need to rotate the component by 180 degrees, perhaps a
    simpler approach would be to descend from TppDBText and implement a custom
    draw command class that is used to render to preview and printer. The draw
    command class would be TDrawRotatedText or a variation of it).

    Define a class such as

    TmyRotatedText = class(TppDBText)

    Override the constructor to associate the custom draw command class:

    constructor TmyRotatedText .Create(AOwner: TComponent);
    inherited Create(AOwner);

    DrawCommandClass := TDrawRotatedText;


    Implement the PropertiesToDrawCommand class (see RotatedLabel and DBText for

    procedure TmyRotatedText.PropertiesToDrawCommand(aDrawCommand:

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004
    Did anyone ever "solve" this problem? I actually expected
    to find built-in support for rotation (at least at 90, 180,
    and 270) for labels and dbtext with alignment at a minimum.
  • edited March 2004
    Hi John,

    Sorry, there is no built in support yet for rotating text components.
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004
    Is is safe to assume it is on the ToDo List?
This discussion has been closed.