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Cannot free Report Builder Objects

edited November 2003 in General
Hi there,

I am generating all my reports from code, there is no Design-Time
configuring taking place,

Report objects, and all it's sub objects are all created in code.

My problem is this :

The report has multiple sub-reports within subreports within subreports.

I generate the report and all is fine - placement is correct drill-down on
subreport within subreport all works well
- nothing wrong(The 1st time I generate the report)

I then close the print preview modal form and attempt to FreeAndNil the
report object so
that I may recreate it, I get an Access Violation,

I create all objects like this .Create(Self) and still the same problem,

I create all objects with their respective containing component the "Owner",
i.e.: ABand := TppBand.Create(AReport);
ALabel := TppLabel.Create(ABand); etc. etc.

and still I get the Access Violation,

I have tried freeing all the child objects manually and individually and
which stops me
from getting conflicting object names but then when I try to display the
newly generated
report I get another Access Violation.




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