draw a border around my component ! how ??
I need : a vertical line on top, or/and a vertical line on the bottom, or /
and a horizontal line on the left,
or a vertical line on the right + settable borderwidth
How can i do this ? In quickreport these properties are available for every
component + band.
In reportbuilder it's not present.
When i try to draw it myself on component level, it's not always aligned
correctly. Sometimes a line is
not visible or is not full visible...
I need : a vertical line on top, or/and a vertical line on the bottom, or /
and a horizontal line on the left,
or a vertical line on the right + settable borderwidth
How can i do this ? In quickreport these properties are available for every
component + band.
In reportbuilder it's not present.
When i try to draw it myself on component level, it's not always aligned
correctly. Sometimes a line is
not visible or is not full visible...
This discussion has been closed.
You can draw a border around an object in ReportBuilder either manually
adding a TppRectangle component or a TppRegion component around the report
object. You can also add a grid/border around text components automatically
using the Report Wizard or the Data Tree.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors