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ppTextPipeline is locked

edited November 2003 in General
Subject - ppTextPipeline is locked

My program has a text pipeline.

I can assign a file to it and successfully produce a report.
Eg. ppTextPipeline1.Filename := 'FileA.txt';

The problem arises when I want to switch to another file, say
'FileB.txt'. Or write new content to FileA.

If I code
ppTextPipeline1.Filename := 'FileA.txt';
ppTextPipeline1.Filename := 'FileB.txt';

or code
ppTextPipeline1.Filename := 'FileA.txt';
ppTextPipeline1.Filename := '';
ppTextPipeline1.Filename := 'FileB.txt';

the file FileA is not released.

Even Windows Explorer can not delete the file.

The "ReportBuilder Demo Reports" do not have this problem. Why?
They only produce one report at a time.

I tried the code
but that didn't work either.

What do I have to do to unlock the pipeline?

Regards, Peter Evans


  • edited December 2003
    Hi Peter,

    I tested this with the latest version of ReportBuilder... Version 7.03 and
    the initial file was released when I changed the filename of associated with
    the TextPipeline. Be sure you are using the latest version of
    ReportBuilder. If you would like to see where this file is set in the RB
    code, please see the ppTxPipe.pas file, in the TppTextPipeline class.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2003
    Nico Cizik,

    Thank you for your assistance.


    I believe I am using Version 7.03.
    I will double check though.

    Regards, Peter Evans
  • edited December 2003
    Subject - ppTextPipeline is locked

    Nico Cizik,

    Thank you again for your assistance.

    I have now rechecked. I am using Version 7.03. I have checked the
    installation log.
    This is from the log ::-
    "Title: ReportBuilder Professional 7.03 (Trial)"

    I also see at design time that same Version. This is what appears ::-
    "Demo Copy - Version 7.03"

    As I have the trial I do not have the source so can not see 'ppTxPipe.pas'.

    I am struggling to understand the flow of events in this component.

    Fortunately I do not need the source code to follow the events.

    I instrumented my test program with debug statments.

    Here is the code for the event OnOpen and OnClose ::-

    procedure TRpt.ppTextPipeline1Open(Sender: TObject);
    OutputDebugString(PChar('Report - pipe Open'));

    procedure TRpt.ppTextPipeline1Close(Sender: TObject);
    OutputDebugString(PChar('Report - pipe Close'));

    This is very straightforward code which simply outputs when the events fire.

    This is from the event log ::-

    ODS: Report - pipe Open
    ODS: Report - pipe Open
    ODS: Report - pipe Open
    ODS: Report - pipe Close

    This simple output demonstrates that the Pipeline opens 3 times before it is
    There is only the first assignment of a file to a Pipeline. Please note that
    the Close takes place when the ReportBuilder components are destroyed.

    When I switch Pipelines the output is exactly the same. Put another way, the
    does not Close or Open the Pipeline.

    It is quite simple to demonstrate that. Place one debug statement prior to,
    and another
    after a file assignment.

    The only way to get it to work is to manually code a Close statement.

    This seems to be a problem with the ReportBuilder pipeline components.
    Please let me know Digital Metaphors position on this question.

    However there is still the fundamental drawback of there not being matching
    Open and
    Close pairs. This means that it is not possible to write code in the Open
    method and
    reciprocating code in the Close method. The purpose and intent of such
    methods is to
    provide the developer with a sound foundation for their own program
    The developer relies on the component vendor to have rock solid code that
    operates in
    a dependable way. Currently the components do not do this. Please let me
    know Digital
    Metaphors position on this question.

    Regards, Peter Evans
  • edited December 2003
    Hi Peter,

    After further testing I was able to see the file locking problem. A
    datapipeline is not closed when the report is, although sometimes it
    probably should be, we leave it up to the developer. As you said below,
    this can (and should) be done manually, perhaps in the
    Report.PreviewFormClose event.

    I was not able to recreate the issue of the TextPipeline opening multiple
    times but through a little research, I was able to determine that during
    report generation, it could be possible. We do however have code inside the
    TextPipeline class that checks for this and essentially causes the
    application to ignore these calls. The same goes for calling
    TextPipeline.Close multiple times.

    As a Digital Metaphors engineer, I can assure that the ReportBuilder code is
    very solid however if you ever do find an issue, we will work to resolve it
    as quickly as possible. This is one of the reasons our support is only done
    by our developers. Being a software developer yourself, you know that no
    code is perfect but rest assured, we're working on it :-).

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.