Archived reports in a database
I want to use ppDBArchiveReader, but I have problems, and the technical tip
with TBlobField did not work (or I made something wrong).
I can successful save a report.raf.
I am using an ADS database table with one BLOB field.
Can anybody write a short code example, how I can store
report.raf into ADSTable1.FieldByName('MyBlob').AsString
It seems, that I can not address to that field in this way:
ADSTable1.FieldByName('MyBlob').AsBlob, although the datatype is BLOB (I
tried Image, binary and Memo).
Thank you for your help,
I want to use ppDBArchiveReader, but I have problems, and the technical tip
with TBlobField did not work (or I made something wrong).
I can successful save a report.raf.
I am using an ADS database table with one BLOB field.
Can anybody write a short code example, how I can store
report.raf into ADSTable1.FieldByName('MyBlob').AsString
It seems, that I can not address to that field in this way:
ADSTable1.FieldByName('MyBlob').AsBlob, although the datatype is BLOB (I
tried Image, binary and Memo).
Thank you for your help,
This discussion has been closed.
First, in order for the DBArchiveReader to work, you will also need a Name
field in your table. This enables the DBArchiveReader to load the correct
archive because it has no way of telling them appart otherwise.
In my testing, I was able to load an archive file to an Advantage database
and then view it using the DBArchiveReader. Below is the code I used to
load the archive to the database. I used a BINARY field to store the
archive as a BLOB with the memo block size of the table set to 1024.
myFileStream: TFileStream;
myFileStream := TFileStream.Create('myArchive.raf',fmOpenRead);
myFileStream.Position := 0;
AdsTable1.FieldByName('ArchiveName').Value := 'myArchive';
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors