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Storing Custom Information with Templates & Delphi

edited February 2004 in General
I have tried RBuilder Template tech-tip 'Storing Custom Information with
Templates' and unfortunately encountered a problem...

Everything works fine until I need to edit the rtm from Delphi environment
(double click on TppReport). In this case the events OnLoadStart and
OnSaveEnd don't fire. Any suggestions to solve this problem? Even if I set
Offset in ObjectInspector I lose all the information written before.

Thank you in advance,


  • edited February 2004
    Hi Joanna,

    Unfortunately there is no way to get the Template events to fire at design
    time short of modifying the ReportBuilder source and rebuilding every
    package. The method you are using to store information about the templates
    is also used by the Report Explorer which can only be used at run time as
    well. My suggestion would be to create a very simple application containing
    a report object and a designer object that allows you to edit your reports
    at runtime easily.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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