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From Paradox to Advantage

edited February 2004 in General


I have a routine which takes a BDE based report and re-formats it to use
Advantage SQL ie removes all the .db's etc.

As a general statement everything works fine except the RAP code which I can
handle on as as needed basis, however I keep getting an error where the
selection criteria gives and error Column not found 'xxx' where xxx is the
field value I am selecting on.

The example below returns and SQL error Column Not Found: LIVE where
LIVE is the field value I am selecting on.

Baring an odd space the code looks exactly like that I get in the .rtm file
if I create a report from scratch.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong would be greatfully appreciated or how to
debug the error would be greatfully appreciated.

Regards to all

Philip L Jackson

object TdaSQL
DatabaseName = 'advantagereport'
DatabaseType = dtAdvantage
DataPipelineName = 'Quote'
Description = 'Quote'
SQLText.Strings = (
' Quote.CLIENT, Quote.SHORT, Quote.QUOTE, '
' Quote.ADD1, Quote.ADD2, Quote.ADD3, '
' Quote.ADD4, Quote.POST_CODE, Quote.TELE'
'FROM Quote Quote'
'WHERE ( Quote.STATUS = '#39'LIVE'#39' )')
object daCriteria1: TdaCriteria
ChildType = 7
Level = 0
Value = 'LIVE'
object TdaField
AutoSearch = True
Alias = 'Status'
FieldAlias = 'Status'
FieldName = 'STATUS'
TableName = 'Quote'
Mandatory = True
TableAlias = 'Quote'
TableSQLAlias = 'Quote'


  • edited February 2004
    Hi Philip,

    Are you loading this template from file or from a BLOB field in your
    database? When exactly are you encountering this error? (during the
    preview, design, template load... etc.) Be sure you have the proper data
    connection on your form and that it is named corresponding to the template.
    As a test, you might try creating one of your reports completely from
    scratch and see if you can get that one to work.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004
    Hi Nico

    1. I am loading a memo from a blob field in a Paradox table, stripping out
    all the "paradox stuff" and replacing it with equivalent Advantage commands
    and then saving these into a blob field in an Advantage Table. The code at
    the very bottom of this posting is an example of a converted report.

    2. I have created a number of Advantage based reports and compared these
    with Paradox based equivalents so that I know what to change and where.

    3. The Column not found 'xxx' error occurs after conversion when running
    the report for the first time.

    If I go into the query designer open Search Option,
    close search options (no changes necessary)
    Go to the design tab and select Save

    Then the report works flawlessly. If I look at the before and after
    they look identical i.e.

    'WHERE ( Quote.STATUS = '#39'LIVE'#39' )')

    4. Any reports we create in directly in Advantage work very well.

    5. If I compare the equivalent lines in a new Advantage report with the
    ones I have converted then, with the exception of spacing, they are
    identical to that illustrated in my first posting and #3 above.

    Whilst this may seem a small thing, as I am converting my users to Advantage
    I will have 1000's of reports to upgrade so I need the process as smooth as

    Thanks for your time, I look forward to your reply

    Philip L Jackson

  • edited February 2004
    Hi Philip,

    Although I have never seen this specific error before, when you say that the
    report templates look identical as ASCII text, this leads me to believe that
    the problem is somewhere in the streaming to binary process. How are you
    saving the template back to your blob field? If you save the template as
    text to a .rtm file, are you still seeing an error if you try to load it or
    is the error only occuring when you load the template from the blob field?
    If possible, please send me a copy of one of the template files that will
    cause the error along with the code you are using to stream the templates
    into your Advantage blob field. support@digital-metaphors.com

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2004
    Hi Nico

    The code below loads object Rich Edit1, converts the commands from Paradox
    to Advantage and then assigns the lines from Rich Edit1 to the Advantage

    I will create a series of folders with source data and code and send these
    as requested.

    Again thanks for your assistance.


    Philip L Jackson

    lMemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;

    Stream :=
    Stream.Position := 0;
    ObjectBinaryToText(Stream, lMemoryStream);
    lMemoryStream.Position := 0;
    Richedit1.PlainText := TRUE;
    Richedit1.Lines.LoadFromStream(lMemoryStream); // used
    RichEdit as it has a FindText method


    btnConvertClick(Self); // this does the work to convert
    Paradox to Advantage

    tblItem.FieldByName('Template').AsString := '';

  • edited February 2004
    Hi Philip,

    I posted a snip of code below that uses a slightly different method to save
    the template file to a blob field on a database. I'm not sure this will
    fix the issue but it is definitely worth a try.

    Note: plItem is the pipeline used in the application to get the correct
    field from the rbItems table.

    procedure TForm1.SaveTemplate;
    lBinaryStream: TMemoryStream;
    lTextStream: TMemoryStream;
    lWriter: TWriter;

    lBinaryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    lTextStream := TMemoryStream.Create;


    {load the text stream to the memo control}

    lTextStream.Position := 0;

    {convert the binary stream to text}
    ObjectTextToBinary(lTextStream, lBinaryStream);

    lWriter := TWriter.Create(lBinaryStream, 1024);

    lWriter.Root := Self;

    lBinaryStream.Position := 0;


    {load the binary stream from the database}
    plItem.SetFieldFromStream('Template', lBinaryStream);



    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2004
    Hi Nico

    Regretably no improvement.

    Will email source code sample data etc. as requested.

    Thanks in advance

    Philip L Jackson

This discussion has been closed.