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Sub Report

edited April 2004 in General
And, while I'm asking so many questions ;-)

I want to send 2 reports to a routine that prints them both. The reports
are not related in any way other than that the user has selected them both.
I have a common routine that receives the two TppReport's and then lets the
user select the output method. Once they have selected (screen, printer,
whatever) I'd like to combine the two reports so they both come out



  • edited April 2004
    Hi Kumar,

    There are two ways to do this.

    1. Combine the two reports into one report using Section Style subreports.
    Section Style subreports were designed specifically to handle the printing
    of multiple reports as one print job.

    2. Check out Demo 123 located in the RBuilder\Demos\1. Reports\...
    directory (dm0123.pas). This demo shows how to create two separate print
    jobs at runtime and send them to the same printer as one.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    Aloha Nico -

    Thanks for your responses. Perhaps I've not been clear enough or I am
    missing something, sorry. I don't have an issue with send multiple reports
    to the printer. But what I want to do is send multiple reports to the
    screen at once. I did try #2, but it didn't work for this purpose. #1
    seems pretty complicated. Are you considering adding a feature in
    the future that would make this process easy?

    I will say that, so far, your product is so far superior to what we were
    using that I am an overall happy camper! ;-)


  • edited April 2004
    Hi Kumar,

    Sorry for the missunderstanding. Take a look at Demo 153 (spawned drilldown
    reports). Using this method with the section style subreports method I
    described earlier may be your best option for what you need.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    Thanks for the response. I've got that working nicely now.

    On a slightly different tangent, but related, any advice appreciated.

    We are running c/s and in the past (with our previous report write )
    what we did was to load several reports into One and then send this report
    to the server. The server would have a report component that could load the
    One file (even though it contained several reports in one) and then send to
    a printer device. It is required that it all be sent to the printer as one
    job as it is a really a Fax Printer device.

    Using your demo 0123 I've got a handle on sending multiple reports as a
    single print job (thanks!). However, I'm having a problem in getting my
    arms around having to send multiple reports to the server and then having to
    have the server join them for the printing. I'm sure I can do it, it just
    seems like a lot of coding. I'm wondering if there is a way to join reports
    into one and perhaps have the ppArchiveReader or ppReportExplorer read them
    in and do the printing for me. Again, my only real issue is being able to
    send a set of reports as One to the server and then being able to send it to
    the (Fax)Printer.

    Thanks for bearing with me.
  • edited April 2004
    Hi Kumar,

    One of our customers developed an Archive Merge Utility that allows you to
    merge multiple Report Archives into one. This may help you if you decide to
    print the reports using Archive files. If you would like to take a look at
    this utility, please send a quick email to support@digital-metaphors.com
    requesting it and I'll send it right out to you.

    On another note, have you taken a look at the Server Edition of
    ReportBuilder? From your specifications below it sounds like the the
    ReportBuilder Server could pretty much do everything for you without the
    need for much coding at all. My suggestion would be to take a look at the
    Server edition of ReportBuilder at
    http://www.digital-metaphors.com/Subpages/Products/Server/overview.html and
    see what you think.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2004
    Aloha Nico -

    The Archive Merge Utility is EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you. I intend on
    sending the developer a couple of bucks for his time as it is well
    deserved!. My ONLY problem at this point is that I cannot seem to cause the
    ppArchiveReader to print to the printer that I wish. Is there not a method
    of setting the printer output WITHOUT having a user dialog?

    I've checked the properties and tried:

    RW_Archive.PrinterSetup.PrinterName := 'APF Fax Printer'; //no luck

    and, before the print:

    Printer.printerIndex := FaxPrinterNo;

    but both times my output when to the report printer instead. When I turn on
    the "ShowPrintDialog" and direct it to the Fax Printer, everything else
    works like a charm. I'm sure I'm just missing something.

    Thanks Again!

  • edited April 2004
    Hi Kumar,

    Archives act a little different than normal reports in the way they are sent
    to the printer. If you need to change the printer setup for an archive, you
    need to make the changes inside the ArchiveReader.OnInitializePrinterSetup
    event. This way the updated printer settings will be applied for every page
    of the archive.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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