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Questions before I purchase?

edited June 2004 in General

I've been evaluating ReportBuilder and so far I'm impressed. We are about to
purchase it, but we have a few questions for things which we ran across in
the evaluation copy.

These can be created as design-time (double click on the report in the
designer), but we have had no luck with it at run-time. The designer
component allows editing, but the cross-tab wizard and item options are not
available? Is there some trick to this?

Seems quite good. I could run ten of these reports in the time it takes
Crystal to get into memory. However, the demo is limited to five pages and I
was wondering how much it would slow down with a hundred page report?

The designer component does not appear to follow any of the options set for
it. AllowDataChange and AllowSaveToFile are false and yet you can access
datasources and load/save files via menu options in the designer. The data
and calculation tabs are not visible -- even though the options are set.

From the site it appears that you need to purchase 3rd-party products to
support exporting to various formats. Can anyone direct me to which options
it supports natively? Also, any recommendations for which 3rd-party
exporting options are available?

The help file mentions this, but could someone direct me to a simple example
of extending the interface with a function, object, etc. which would call
back into the Delphi application?

I assume all distribution is royalty-free?

Many thanks,



  • edited June 2004

    Thanks for your interest in ReportBuilder.

    1. Including run-time designer support for Crosstabs, Data workspace, Calc
    Workspace, etc.

    See the article below.

    2. Performance.

    If you enable the report outline to be generated, you may see some
    performance degradation on really large reports. Otherwise, the performance
    should not slow down. There is a 30-day money back, so you can do more
    testing once you purchase.

    3. Designer options are working properly.

    a. AllowDataSettings controls whether the File | DataSettings... menu option
    appears on the menu that is displayed by the Data workpsace.

    b. AllowSaveToFile controls whether the File | SaveToFile and LoadFromFile
    menu options appear when running an application that saves/loads reports to
    the report explorer database tables. For an example, see
    RBuilder\Demos\EndUser\Report Explorer.

    You can programmatically access the TppDesigner.Menu property to traverse
    the menu items and custom them.

    4. RAP is included with ReportBuilder Enterprise.

    Examples and Tutorials are installed to RBuilder\Demos\RAP. The tutorial
    text can be found in the Developers Guide. These materials include examples
    and tutorials of extending RAP.

    5. Licensing.

    Licensing is royalty free, except for the Report Server included with the
    Server Edition. Note that there are restrictions on the type of applications
    that you can build. For example, you cannot build a general purpose
    reporting tool.

    6. Export options

    ReportBuilder has an open architecture for output formats.

    The following formats are included:

    a. Printer - Completely control printer properties: orientation, paper size,
    paper bin, duplexing, margins etc.

    b. Preview - Use the built-in Preview Form or create your own and register
    it as the replacement.

    c. Archive Print reports to stand-alone files, preview later.

    d. ASCII Text File Comma-delimited, tab-delimited and fixed length
    formats supported.

    e. Report Text File Formatted text output to a .txt file.

    Finally, here is the article mentioned in number 1 above.....

    Article: Controlling the End-User Environment

    If you are having difficulty getting the Data tab, the Calc tab, the
    crosstab component or the TeeChart component to appear in your end-user
    application, or you are trying to eliminate one of these capabilities from
    the app, then this help topic is for you. The following paragraphs explain
    the unit registration scheme used by ReportBuilder Pro, and how you can use
    this scheme to get control over the feature set presented to your end-users.

    In order to minimize the overhead in end-user reporting applications,
    ReportBuilder employs a unit level registration scheme (similar to component
    registration in Delphi.), whereby components and functionality can be added
    at the discretion of the developer. In other words, you can control whether
    the 'Data' workspace, the 'Calc' workspace or certain components appear in
    your end-user reporting application simply by specifying or omitting certain
    unit names from the uses clause of your main end-user reporting unit. The
    advantage of this approach is that overhead associated with features such as
    DADE, RAP or the crosstab component can be eliminated from your application
    if you do not wish to pass these features along to the end-user. The
    disadvantage is that you must manually add certain units to the uses clause
    or these capabilities will not appear in the application.

    In the end-user reporting demo project (located in the ...\RBuilder\Demos\1.
    Report Explorer directory), the main unit is a form entitled myEURpt. At
    the top of the unit for this form there is a series of conditional compiler
    directives which, when enabled, cause certain functionality to appear in the
    application. The conditional compiler directives in this unit are an
    attempt to simplify the configuration of the demo application. However,
    these directives do nothing more than add or omit certain unit names from
    the uses clause of the form. The important thing to know is the unit names
    and the functionality that including those unit names will provide. The
    table below provides this information.

    Unit Name Feature
    ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------
    daIDE DADE user-interface ('Data' tab)

    raIDE RAP user-interface ('Calc tab)

    ppCTDsgn User-interface for the configuration of the crosstab.
    Normally the Crosstab Designer is displayed by accessing the
    'Configure...' context menu option of a crosstab component.
    If this unit is not included then this menu option is not

    myChkBox Checkbox components appear on the component palette when this unit
    included. If you want to check out the source for these
    components it
    is in ...RBuilder Pro 4\Demos\RCL

    ppChrtUI User-interface for editing charts. Normally the chart editor
    is displayed by accessing the 'Edit...' context menu
    option of a chart component.
    If this unit is not included then this menu option is not

    ReportBuilder also uses the unit registration scheme to control which
    database connectivity options are provided by the application. While
    including the daDatMan unit will cause the 'Data' workspace to appear in the
    Report Designer, that workspace will not be functional without a supporting
    implementation. In ReportBuilder we call these implementations DADE
    plug-ins. A DADE plug-in is nothing more than a Delphi unit which contains
    the appropriate descendant class implementations needed by DADE to
    communicate with a given database. Placing the data access implementation
    in a separate unit gives us at least two benefits. One is that the user
    interface is not tied to any specific database connectivity scheme. The
    other is that the overhead associated with database support is limited to
    the database connectivity products you are actually using. This means that
    if you are using ADO to access your data, you need only include the daADO
    unit in your uses clause and your application will use ADO only. Most
    developers use DADE plug-ins to gain access to databases not supported by
    the BDE, or to gain access to databases without the use of the BDE. The
    following DADE plug-ins are provided with ReportBuilder Pro:

    Unit Name Feature
    ---------- ----------
    daDBBDE BDE support for the Query Wizard and Query Designer

    daADO ADO support for the Query Wizard and Query Designer

    daIBExpress Interbase Express support for the Query Wizard and Query

    daADS Advantage support.

    daDOA Oracle support via the Direct Oracle Access components.

    daODBC98 ODBC support via the ODBC98 components.

    daIBO InterBase support via the InterBase Objects components.

    daDBISAM DBISAM support.

    You can use DADE plug-ins at Delphi design-time by generating a package
    which contains one of these units and then installing it into Delphi. This
    will allow you to use your preferred database product within the 'Data'
    workspace at Delphi design-time. You can locate the various DADE plug-in
    units in the ...\RBuilder\ Demos\EndUser Databases directories. A Delphi
    package project has been provided for each DADE implementation so that you
    can generate and install the plug-in at Delphi design-time. For more
    information on how this can be done, see the ReadMe files in the EndUser
    Databases directories.

    Additional DADE Plug-ins are always being developed. Check the Digital
    Metaphors web-site for the latest information (see the section
    Friends:Data:DADE Plug-Ins.)

    Tech Support mailto:support@digital-metaphors.com
    Digital Metaphors http://www.digital-metaphors.com


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2004
    "Brett Watters" wrote in message
This discussion has been closed.