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Problem in getting shapes to align

edited July 2004 in General
I am using rectangle shapes to build reports that simulate government forms.

While the preview shows the shapes aligning correctly the actual printed
form has a number of the shapes that appear either larger or smaller then
one to the right or left (which should be the same size) or out of position
and the form looks a bit off as a result.

I have checked the top, left and width properties for the shapes involved
and they are the correct.

I am using inches as my "units" and snap to grid (2x2) in the form settings.

I am using a HP Laserjet 1012 printer and WinXP Pro.

I have tried everything and cannot seem to make it come out looking exactly
as it should in the preview. Am I doing something wrong or are shape the
wrong thing to use here for this purpose?


Bob Dalton


  • edited July 2004
    Hi Bob,

    This is not a known issue with ReportBuilder. ReportBuilder converts all
    measurements to microns (Thousandths of millimeters) before converting back
    to device units (i.e. screen pixels or printer pixels). Are you certain the
    shapes are alligned to the same measurement inside the report? If you would
    like, you can send a sample of this report in .zip format to
    support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll try printing it on one of our

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004
    Thanks for the reply.

    I have sent you the rtm file in a zip package as you directed.


  • edited July 2004
    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the example. I just sent a response to your email address. Let
    me know if your received it.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004

    Nothing received at this end as of 8PM CDT today (Arkansas time). Could you
    please resend?


    Bob Dalton

  • edited July 2004
    Hi Bob,

    I got a reply from your e-mail server saying that my message cannot be
    delivered for 12 hours. Here is a copy of the email I sent you.


    Hi Bob,

    ReportBuilder has the ability to place objects on paper much more accurately
    than on screen. This is why the screen output sometimes does not match the
    printer output. Though it looks as though the boxes in your report line up
    on screen, if you zoom to 250% in the preview window, you can clearly see
    that they do not. The reason some of the boxes are not lining up correctly
    is that their widths are off just a bit and they are printing over the boxes
    with the correct measurements. I was able to fix your report by sending the
    following shapes to the back in the following order...


    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004

    Got your and thanks.

    Further question: Being able to see it in the preview does not help much
    during the design process. How can I ensure that they line up when I design
    the report? I design a lot of reports using shapes to emulate government
    forms and this is a constant problem (ie; appearing to line up at design
    time and during 100% preview, but not when printed).


    Bob Dalton

  • edited July 2004
    Hi Bob,

    It is a constant battle to define the difference between the screen output
    and printer output. Since most screens use a 96 ppi resolution and most
    printers use 600 - 1200 dpi resolution, it is clear to see how dificult it
    is to have a screen preview that exactly matches the printer output.
    Perhaps in a future release of ReportBuilder we could provide the ability to
    zoom in design mode, but as for now the best way to ensure allignment is to
    always check the measurements of your lines and boxes. For instance, the
    main issue your report was having was when you were placing two rectangles
    side by side. Though the Top and Left properties matched the rectangles
    below them, their Widths did not match up.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2004

    I understand and thanks for your assistance.

    FYI information when I create multiple shapes next to each other on the
    report I use the sizing controls from the toolbar to size (width or height
    as appropriate) them correctly (so I assumed anyway). When lining shapes up
    above or below I also use the alignment controls on the tool bar as well. I
    only rarely use the nudge ability. I guess I thought the toolbar controls
    would keep what you are saying is happening from happening.

    It would seem based on what you are saying that a new feature is needed to
    "connect" adjacent lines of two shapes where required. If you have ever seen
    how this is done in a vector graphics program like Corel Draw you know what
    I mean. Not having zoom during design, and eyes that are not as young as
    they once were, it is very hard at times to tell for sure when two shapes
    next to each other (side, top or bottom) are lined up correctly.


    Bob Dalton

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