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losing records that don't fit on first page.

edited August 2004 in General

I'm using D6, RB6.03.
I have a report with a query that take two data from the database: the name
of a image stored in the HD, and the text relative to that image.
To show this query, I'm using a subreport with two columns, and the property
ColumnTraversal = LeftToRight.
In the subreport detail band onBeforeGenerate event, I'm setting the image
read from the disk to a TppImage component, and the text to a TppMemo
With the ColumnTraversal = LeftToRight, the band height is static, and I'm
adjusting it in the same event (onbeforegenerate).

I'm with troubles in showing this report, when there are as images that they
all can't fit in the first page. The images that don't fit, and should be on
second page, just don't appear. They're gone!

If I change the ColumnTraversal to TopToBottom, so it wouldn't be necessary
adjust the band height manually, the band simply disappear.

Does anybody have any idea on what could be wrong, and how can I fix that?

Thank you,


Estou usando D6, RB6.03.
Tenho um relat?rio onde a consulta pega dois dados de uma tabela: o nome de
uma imagem guardada no HD, e o texto referente a esta imagem.
Para mostrar esta consulta, estou usando um subreport com duas colunas, com
o Column Traversal = LefttoRight.
No evento onBeforeGenerate da banda Detail do subreport, atribuo a imagem do
arquivo a um componente TppImage, e o texto, a um componente TppMemo.
Com o column traversal como LeftToRight, a altura da banda ? est?tica, e
estou ajustando no mesmo evento (onbeforegenerate).

Estou tendo problemas na visualiza??o deste relat?rio, quando h? uma
quantidade de imagens que n?o caiba na primeira p?gina. As imagens que n?o
cabem na primeira p?gina somem, e n?o s?o mostradas na segunda p?gina.

Se eu mudar para Column Traversal = TopToBottom, a banda simplesmente n?o
aparece. Some tudo.

Algu?m tem alguma id?ia do que pode estar errado, e como posso resolver



  • edited August 2004
    Hi Daniel,

    Left to Right column traversal did not work correctly in RB 6.03. This was
    fixed for RB 7. I also believe that the Band.BeforeGenerate may fire too
    late to adjust the height of that band.

    Try downloading a trial version of ReportBuilder 7.04 and test your report
    with that. If you still get the same behavior, please send a small example
    of this in .zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll take a look
    at it for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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