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RBServer evaluation questiona

edited August 2004 in General
Hello, i'm testing RB Server and have the following questions:
1. How easy is to create a method to allow users to pass parameters to the
2. Can i use IW and RBServer in an easy way?

Guillermo Casta?o Acevedo


  • edited September 2004

    Thanks for your interest in RB Server Edition.

    1. The Server Edition supports Session level and Report level parameters.

    For examples see RBServer\Demos\Clients\Custom Parameters,
    Demos\Servers\Custom Parameters, and Demos\WebTier\Custom Parameters. The
    demos all work together. There is a ReadMe.doc and commented code included
    with each example.

    2. Simplest approach would be to create two apps: an IW app and an RB
    WebTier app. Then from the IW app you could invoke the RB WebTier app. I do
    not know whether it is possible to use the TrsWebTier component inside of an
    IW app. I think if you work thu the RB Server tutorials in the Server
    Developers Guide that will become apparent to you.

    3. Here is an article on calling specific reports via the webtier...

    Tech Tips: How can I request that the webtier
    execute a specified report?


    Without using the Web ReportExplorer, how can I request that the webtier
    execute a specified report?


    The webtier processes requests for web content. These requests consists of

    1. The URL for the webtier


    2. A parameter specifying the content type.

    example: content=viewer

    {note: content=viewer, is used to request report viewer content.}

    3. Additional parameters that are specific to the content request.

    volume=Report Forms (the volume name)
    Name=Basic\Biolife Table (the full path name to the report)
    frameset=1 (show the framset with the toolbar etc., this is required)

    Use a web browser to access the webtier demo that displays the report

    Notice that when you place the mouse over a report in the report explorer
    that the status bar in IE shows the url plus some params. That is the string
    required to run the report on the web tier.

    Forms&name=Basic\Biolife Table&framset=1

    So the parameters here are

    content=viewer (type of content is report viewer)
    volume=Report Forms (the volume name)
    Name=Basic\Biolife Table (the full path name to the report)
    frameset=1 (show the framset with the toolbar etc., this is required)

    4. AutoSearch Parameters

    To specify autosearch parameters for a report, include the parameter
    'newsearch=T' followed by the autosearch parameters.

    AutoSearch parameters have the following naming convention: asgXfYse and

    The asgX specifies the autosearch group number, where X is the number. The
    fY specifies the field number, where Y is the number. The se indicates that
    the value is a search expression and the sa specifies that the value is the
    "show all" boolean expression.



    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited September 2004
    Thanks a lot Nard.

    Guillermo Casta?o Acevedo
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